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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. no one gives a fuck. you are not welcome in this thread.
  2. personally those look kinda dumb and out of place, but thats just me.
  3. depends how often and how far you plan to ride, what kind of bikes you're into and what kind of budget you have. could be 10 different answers.
  4. anyone gonna be at the brooklyn show next month? trying to figure out a way to make it down.
  5. I'm just a little confused as to why you stacked two tattoos of the same size right on top of each other. or more to the point why he let you? fucking retarded placement.
  6. that's chris' triumph. i dont recognize the helmet though.
  7. yeah. it was funny, i knew of the blog but didn't know the guys. mutual friends had been trying to hook us up (nh) for close to a year, but kept missing opportunities. then by chance ended up meeting via a total stranger at the perfect time. they had a dude leaving, i needed garage space. worlds funny like that.
  8. when people come in here with shitty tattoos or stupid comments, please just ignore them. replying, even just to make fun of them, just makes more shit for me to delete in order to keep the thread free of bickering. thanks.
  9. wish i had a good photo of the set up that came with the bike. it was some big ugly chrome expensive ass kuryakyn set up. got this all in one LED tail/signals from d2 moto for $60. hooked it up tonight. shit is way more flossy. wish i had more pics to share. this winter is gonna be poppin. gonna redo my entire sporty hard tail. shit is gonna be bitchin.
  10. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? no, i think he was implying they 'get down' if you know what i mean.
  11. or that thread about people who say homosexual shit on accident.
  12. i used to tattoo some dudes who rode that shit every year. they were the typical obnoxious harley douchebag type of dudes. the guys with all the HD gear. they made me never want to get anywhere near that thing. try not to die.
  13. fuck is going on with that weird shovel thing?
  14. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? no, I'm sure it's not going to hold up as well, but is a kia senate a better car than a ferrari, because it has less maintenance issues? it's kind of comparing apples to oranges. everything falls apart eventually. people are used to seeing 50 year old traditional pin ups that are such a blur, they look like they have a cockroach for a face. we see them and we think 'man, thats fucking awesome', even though if judged critically, its actually a total piece of shit. but we accept that it's what a tattoo looks like after 50 years. we don't see the product before us, we see the the tattoo shop 50 years ago with the line of sailors half a block long. we see the history and thats why we love it. problem is, history doesn't end. traditional tattoos gave way to biker tattoos. and anyone that was around tattoos 15 years ago knows that anglo dragons were the laughing stock of tattooing. fast forward to today, when i see a 50 year old dude with a big ass dragon, or a wizard.... fuck man, i get pumped. not cause the tattoos are good, they never are, but because i see that dude sitting in that shop in 85, listening to sabbath getting a sick ass castle tattoo. after that came chromed out graffiti everything, and ill be honest... not enough time has passed to make me really appreciate that stuff as a whole. I'm not sure i ever will, but never the less, it happened. and now all this color portrait shit is happening. and maybe 90% of the people are just churning out abortions, but there are a few people who are doing stuff that i'll bet are gonna still look bitching in 20 years. yeah, they'll be faded and have lost some of their luster, but you'll still be able to see the quality. don't get my long winded tirade wrong, i fucking hate color portraits. i hate all this hyper color shit. i think it looks retarded, but I'm not gonna dismiss it categorically cause nothings ever that cut and dried. my coworker got a tattoo from bert a couple months ago. the thing is gonna be an indecipherable black blob in 10 years. waaaay too much black. i see people looking at tattoos saying 'man, that things so awesome, theres so much fucking black in it!'. yeah, so much that theres too much, and its gonna look like hell. i see it in bailey hunter robinsons work as well sometimes. sure it looks cool now, but its gonna are just as badly as some of this art fag shit. does it look bad ass today? sure. but if the argument is longevity, people need to remember that shit goes both ways. sorry, just trying to throw out some food for thought, since i think this is a real important topic at this point in tattooing.
  15. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? everyone can be laughed at until their merit is proven. you can't write everyone off just because it's the easy thing to do though. people said fine line could never hold up. it did. often times far better than its more 'traditionl' counterparts. im not putting jeff in league with bob. I'm not guaranteeing it's going to last, but at some point things do change. someone steps up and proves things can be done differently. if anyone has the skill and the passion to do it its jeff. time will tell.
  16. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? PS, 30 years ago they were saying the same thing about jack rudy's work. guess who won that one.
  17. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? biedron is awesome. people like to claim that gouges work won't hold up for ten years. no one points out that a lot of hoopers work is gonna be a solid black blob in ten years. is that somehow preferable? people underestimate the possibilities i think. I've seen some pretty arty tattoos easily last ten years if they were done by someone who knew what they were doing. I've also seen stuff immediately look like shit when done by those that don't. who is doing the tattooing is just as important as how they're doing it. every single joshua carlton tattoo I've ever seen looks like absolute shit. the couple things I've seen from jeff have looked much, much better. roughly the same age. you can't just judge things across the board. more to the point i don't think it needs to be pointed out every single time it comes up. that's just sort of annoying. time will tell the truth, not opinions.
  18. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? Man, I'd forgotten about that. Ok, I take it back, I'd definitely get something from him. However, I'd need to be real specific about what it was. Ha. I don't like his skulls at all. They're super well done, just not my style. But that snake. Fuck, that thing goes so hardt, it almost hurts. But yeah, dude is a monster. I really liked the fact that he admitted that without his accident he probably wouldn't try as hard. That's an insane amount of humbleness and honesty from s guy who doesn't need to admit that at all. He could just say "naw, it's just who I am", but he acknowledges it, which rules. Can't wait for the rest of it.
  19. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? i can change the title back, but i can't do anything about anything else. incase you guys have not noticed, things are changing around here. old guard is being retired. why shop at a flagship store when you can just hire a bunch of tj maxi employees? days are numbered. make your requests of KOH and i while you still can.
  20. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? do we not get along or something? forgive me, my memory is short and often soaked in alcohol. i always respected you as being one of the few people who really brought something good to this[that :o ] thread. sorry if for some reason i ever offended or insulted you.
  21. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? cause he tattoos and he happened to be at the shop at the time I'm guessing.
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