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Sorc bcj

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Everything posted by Sorc bcj

  1. the article was written by Chris Hogg.
  2. wait a second, arts lehigh...coulda let a brotha know...
  3. Does anyone have experience using "liquid light" emulsion? If so do you have any suggestions for good results. any help is greatly appreciated. I'll be trying to make a few prints tommorrow and have never used it before.
  4. fuckin che....where you at homie?
  5. Sorc bcj


    good times..good people...yo ich it's on you what you wanna do?
  6. typical freight pieces...thanks for the appreciation onesecple. photos are shit...and the light in the second is obviously flash glare...wish it wasn't. watercolor http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/Cid97_000_0070.JPG'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/UQ5w0_000_0067.JPG'>
  7. http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/BAN4r_1.jpg'> spraypaint on wood, 2' by 4' acrylic for loops on green disk and red and blue whosamjig in the mid left.
  8. these are all sick I'd like to see more of "el coro's" pieces....
  9. Sorc bcj


    che's outta control...nice post.
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