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Everything posted by alkaline

  1. Really? I didn't know that. Why were people mad? Do you have any links that I could read about this myself? I thought it was a fantastic documentary. I'd like to know what kind of film he shoots with ... especially his color photos.
  2. yeah. i shot about half mine in black and white but realized that i won't be able to buy chemicals to develop the film myself until next month. i'm now in the process of reshooting what i had and finishing the list with color film.
  3. inspiration: James Nachtwey - conflict photographer ... Watch the documentary about him called War Photographer if you get a chance.
  4. onewaykilds, please take the time to read the rules and the posts before yours before you go starting a list because you are "bored." the winner of the previous hunt gets to pick the list and the deadline ... nobody else. save your list for when you win a hunt. erum501, please don't quote all the pictures just to leave a shitty comment about one, cuz i think wees all know that that shit is whack. *flashes diamond teef*
  5. one of these days, i'm gonna take a picture with my twin brother and tell all you guys, "It's done with magic." i'm not even kidding. next time i'm in chicago it's totally gonna happen.
  6. y'know, there's a whole thread devoted to this kind of stuff. i addressed this same question about a week and a half ago. scroll back a few pages on the photography thread and you will find the answers you seek.
  7. the best thing to do with a lay over that long in chicago, if you ever get the opportunity again, is to hop on the train (blue from o'hare, orange from midway), ride into the city, and walk around bunch. chicago has tons of photo booths and pubs and touristy things to do right down town. it's one of the few cities where a lay over can turn into a whole other vacation.
  8. booniesbomber, if you already have canon lenses (more than just the standard 18-55) i suggest getting an xti, or if you can afford it, a step or two above that. if you have no real "brand loyalty" though, get a nikon dslr. both brands make good products, but in the lower end slr's they each have their downfalls (see my post on the previous page). i do however prefer the nikons to the canons hands down until you get into the high-end market. at that point though, it doesn't really matter which you go with. what do i know though. thanks to my roommate and a few cheap bottles of wine, i'm drunk right now. sleeping pills made a great new list in the photo hunt thread. you should all participate in this one. i'd love to see all of us working on some homework to get the creative juices flowing.
  9. nice! good list, sleeping. i'm on the case. i plan on taking back the title this time around, gents. get ready.
  10. rage, that painting(?) is niiiice. your work? artifacts, how do you like that sony. it seems that they take amazingly sharp pictures, but i get turned off by them every time i hold one in my hand. they controls and ergonomics feel really awkward to me. would like to know your opinion.
  11. jerkspot, i like your tracks picture. it looks brutal-cold where you're at, man.
  12. nah, man. i think you really captured the feel of public trans. the wide angle helps the image a lot. nice work. jerkspot ... earmuffs ... you guys cast your vote. we need a new list real soon.
  13. the best part about CIT this past year was riding my bike down the street and hearing puck rock coming from the pedestrian bridge that goes over the river. i went to investigate and ended up running into a bunch of friends. i didn't even know they were in town. that made my day.
  14. decaying, i like the green one. mark, the sx100 suffers from the same problem as the xt - it plastic. drop it once and bye-bye camera. they do make these awesome cameras that are sooooooooo rad for missions and benching and parties and just about every other situation that you can think of where damaging your camera might be an issue. if you are ever popped, the man won't get much from your pictures either. we used to use them all the time in my day.
  15. your public trans sealed it for me. i fuckin' love it!
  16. sleeping gets my vote! even without 10. nice work, bro!
  17. Canon G9. Retails for just under $500. You can set it in full manual mode. It has a hot shoe for an external flash. It shoots in RAW format, so adjusting color in tricky lighting situations is a snap.
  18. 3-Public Transport 5 and Bonus-Pool and Xmas Lights 6-Elevator 7-Tracks ... I'm posting both of these, because I thought you guys might like them. They are both from an old scrapbook that this woman's grandfather had made. All the pictures were shot, developed and printed by him. This was the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. 8-Couch 9-Yellow 11-Reflection 12-Someone else taking a picture 14-Headless Post 'em if you got 'em.
  19. Search the net. You have to find one that fits your make and model. B & H has them here.
  20. Why do you want an slr? Have you ever tried running with a bag of paint and an slr? It sounds to me like you should be looking at higher end point and shoots. Also, if you are worried about damaging your camera and being out all that money, I suggest you buy it new. Ritz/Wolf and I believe Best Buy offer an extra damage protection policy that will cover you. There are also after-market skins, like the ones you put over you ipod, that will help reduce damage to your camera if you go with a used one.
  21. Communist, do yourself a favor. Save up a couple extra hundred bucks and go a step or two above the xt and the d40. I know you don't want more than 6 megapixels, but I'm saying this based on the quality of the cameras themselves. The xt is at best a digital lomo - and I'm not talking about the cool things about a lomo. It is a cheap, poorly built, plastic excuse for a digital slr. No offense to anyone that currently owns one. I bet if you asked them, they would tell you that they wish they has stepped up to something nicer. As with the xt, the xti has a plastic lens mount which is prone to breaking. As for the d40, well it's a better camera as far as construction, but it has several limitations. The biggest one being that you can only use certain lenses with it. It will not support any Nikon lense that is not AFS. You can use the other lenses(they will meter and take pictures), but you will have to focus manually. The same is true for the d40x. That's one of the reasons they are so cheap. The auto focus motor is substantially weaker than the d80, d200, or even the older d70. As far as the megapixel thing goes, more is always better. Your images will be sharper - even when you shrink them down to web quality. It also helps with the digital noise issue. You can shoot in lower light, with longer exposures and not have so much noise distortion with a higher mp camera. It may not matter at all to you, but it's something to think about. All that being said, here is my advice to you: Save up and buy the d80. OR Go on ebay and buy yourself a new d70. It's a 6mp camera, and I just saw more than one "brand new" with lens for around $500. The image processor is not as nice as the newer Nikons, but you get a solid, proven camera that has the ability to use any current Nikon lens in auto focus mode as well as most older Nikon lenses in manual mode. Most importantly, it is in your price range. I hope all that helps, comrade. Keep in mind that I'm not talking out of my ass. I sell cameras and process photos for a living. -whyihatetexas
  22. in case nobody noticed, there is a new list up in the photohunt thread.
  23. buy a red or yellow filter for your lens. red gives more contrast than yellow, but also blocks more light from coming in. it could be an issue if you are shooting in low light without a tripod.
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