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Everything posted by alkaline

  1. Also, shaking doesn't really do anything, but it's fun.
  2. this is beautiful! es1, you shouldn't beat up your girl like that. it's mean. hahaha. who did the makeup? M_I, try to get a polaroid SX-70. You can't buy film for it anymore, but you can get a ND filter (they make stick-on kinds for polaroids) and use regular 600 film. I'm looking to get this setup right now. I heard it works great.
  3. I went to the aquarium today. Took so many silly pictures on the walk up there that my battery died after only a few aquarium pics.
  4. should be okay, BUT there is software that you can get to resample images to a higher resolution. it uses fractals and crazy math nerd mumbo-jumbo algorithms. all you gotta do is push a button though. i think there is a program included in adobe after effects that does it. if you can, use it. your images will look a lot better ... especially if they print them larger than your original image size.
  5. d40 suck! it's an overglorified point and shoot. pony up and get the d70 at the least.
  6. es1, your lady is a natural in front of the camera. as far as the nikon d80, it's a good camera. more megapixels than the d70 and much more user friendly. i'm up in the air right now between the d80 and the d200, which is quite a bit more expensive.
  7. check to make sure that the shutter is working right. sounds like maybe the film is not getting exposed at all. this may also be stating the obvious, but make sure your lighting is good and all that. the first couple of rolls that i shot on an older med. format camera that i have came out blank because there was just not enough light coming into it.
  8. what did the rest of the roll look like? blank (like see through), dark, or a mix of the two? how did the photos that actually come out look? underexposed/overexposed? were the pictures that came out all grouped together or in various places on the roll? holgamods is a good place to look for advice on you holga.
  9. alkaline


    riding a bike in a leotard
  10. alkaline


    i just found my calling in life.
  11. alkaline


    AARRRRGGGG!!!! It's my first day back at work after the camping trip, and somebody stole our air compressors from the back of the store. My arms already hurt from changing flats.
  12. alkaline


    AAAAAHHHHHH! I hurt my knee. I have no idea what's going on, but about 20 miles into last night's race I started hurtin'. I finished, but it hurt so bad at the end that I didn't even party it up. I was barely able to ride to work today. I'm still going on the camping trip, but the guy that broke his collar bone and I are going to drive out there instead of ride. Shit. As long as I'm better in a year when my dad and I ride to Mexico for Day of the Dead.
  13. alkaline


    one of the guys that was supposed to go on this trip with us broke his collarbone on the way to work this morning. i've had to ride a lot more aggressive these days because of all the angry drivers. i think they're mad cause they have to pay more for gas. jesus, there's this guy standing in front of me just rambling about how he used to ride back in the day and he's thinking about getting back into it. Hey, buddy! i don't wanna hear your life story just so you can kill some time.
  14. alkaline


    uh. sorry about the next few blanks ... i was having some network problems.
  15. alkaline


    so not a whole lot happened on day 6 of the race. it was individual tt. i was a little bummed at the very end, because i had saved a little bit of my energy thinking that there would be some crazy hill right at the end. there wasn't. i DID NOT come in last. which was suprising, because i had taken a wrong turn at the beginning of the route. great race overall. everybody was really stoked, and we had a great turnout. halloween race tonight. costumes and booze. it's probably gonna rain, but i'll be there anyways. on the touring front, i'm taking a little four-day trip with some friends from work. riding about 120 miles round trip fully loaded. pictures of both to come soon.
  16. alkaline


    sorry. i took off on a vacation to chicago. day 6 report will be up as soon as i get back to texas.
  17. alkaline


    Day 5 The loooooong stage. Tonight was the longest of the stages. At 50 miles, there was a pretty strong feeling that the lead could change tonight. It was a really good route. There were hills to make you tired and the were hills to make you go really really fast. I spent the whole night riding with three other guys and having some fun. We basically turned it into a hard cruise. There was no real action to speak of though. The field was pretty spread out, so by the time we finished, most of the lead guys had gone home. Everyone is looking forward to tomorrows stage as it's a true messenger alleycat, complete with packages and all that. Should be fun, and no doubt there are some people that won't do as well as they would on a course-type ride.
  18. alkaline


    Day 4 Rest. So in the points standings. I'm tied with like five other people, but because of my miserable showing on the first night, I'm offically last. I still hold the flag after three nights of racing, and the race organizer, Brian, asks me if I'm still having a good time. "When I'm not having a good time, I'll stop showing up," is the only thing I have to say. He knows I'm loving every minute of this race.
  19. alkaline


    Day 3 The "mountains." The night starts out as usual. Everybody hangs out and has a couple of beers. The race will actually begin a couple of miles away, so we all cruise together to the start point. The race starts with no delay, and we were off. Tonights course takes us north on a local bike route that your average joe would never use. It's got some really tough hills, and it has almost no lighting. Then we head east, and then south on one of the more commonly used bike routes, through campus and into downtown, finishing up by riding up a parking garage. The race started fast. With so many people on fixies, I though, for sure, that I had a chance to catch a few people after they blew up. I worked my way through the hills and caught a couple of people, and we rode as a group for most of the rest of the way. As it turns out, the was a lot of action going on. We were one of several groups that took a wrong turn. We all ended up in the same place, but mostly by different routes. The lead group go pulled over by the cops after blowing through a light, but the cop just wanted to know why they were riding so fast that late at night. Going up the parking garage, I was neck and neck with the same guy from the crit. In the end I let him have it since he didn't get lost. We hung out on the top of the garage for a while (there are some pictures at http://www.onechick.com with the capitol building in the background) and had some fun. There is a high-rise apartment building a couple of blocks away from the garage, and everyone was treated to some naked vaccuming by one of its residents. Then it was up the street to take over a local bar. Thank god we get to rest tomorrow.
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