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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. I'm squinting at the computer screen trying to read posts..... hopefully I'nt get eyestrain and carpel tunnel. Wow, that was a nice contraction.
  2. hahaha, HAHAHAHGAGAGAGG JIMBROWSKI LIKE WUT!!! Funny stuff. I'm gonna go venture off of the computer, Peace Owls.
  3. Wow, Pistol's here, and he doesn't have a new name..... asking if he can be a Night Owl.... grrrr.....
  4. Sorry Zack. Chin up and stay focused. My condolences.
  5. Pistol: no problem, but you should get it installed asap... I think alot of 12ozers that I talk to have it already. We are networking our files together it's really good. Oh well, join the party when you can. And I think Willy, Effyou, or you Pistol should explain to Mr. BigJoe the damn deal. BigJoe: What do you have to bring to the NO?
  6. Well g wiz. Sounds like a winner. As for me, I'm goin to bed. All that playing counterstrike's got me tuckered out. Peace.
  7. That sucks man. I don't know what I'd choose faced with a decision like that.
  8. before I go... I wanted to award this thread with the 12oz 4th thread from the top award. Ok, now it's bed time. Hoot.....ahem.
  9. That sucks. You're the king of unended sentences. If there was some sort of awards category for the Night Owl that's most likely not to end sentences, you'd get my vote. :)
  10. Yep, party's over girls.... now leave. ^_^ I said it nicely... make like a tree and GET THE FUCK OUT!!
  11. Hey Vinyr, check yer pockets. Is it there? :dorrar: There ya go, don't spend it arr at one prace.
  12. I've got a dollar for the NOwl that tells him to leave.
  13. Zack Morris Defy Deliss Intangible anyway read this: There's some kinda weird something goin on with my sound card in my computer. So I have these headphones, I don't use speakers. They're big headphones, that cover your ears. Anyway, I can *hear* my computer processings shit. It sounds like a hard drive being accessed and all statickie (had to add the k)... maybe one day I'll be able to know what it's doing by listening. Like binary code decoded in my head or something, bah nevermind.... banter. I'm sleeping out ya skeezer, so g'night.
  14. I count five owls online in my buddy list on AIM. Oh well, Mr.ABC left, make that 4.
  15. my pile o' shoes http://jon.jbagroup.net/pix/newest/kix.jpg'>
  16. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Fr80tech: both pairs of those shoes are awesome.
  17. Rookies.... pssshhh... I remember when I was a rookie, we didn't ask stupid questions.... we just shut up and didn't speak unless spoken to. We used to sprint to school.... 2 miles uphill both ways.... I swear the kids on this board, the new ones.... all pussies.... how about it Owls?
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