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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. if you didn't have a plan b now is a good time to make one.
  2. I used to fuck people back in the day on CS with a 56k.... sadly, alot of those good 56k'rs ended up getting cable after time passed..... and they began to dominate. There were alot of pussies with cable back in the day. And it was a real advantage.
  3. who was that arcel nerd? he got straight ignored.
  4. ahem! Zack, I'm apologizing to myself for having seen those pictures.
  5. I used to work at this horse racing joint, owned by upper class guys that really know how and where to push their weight around this city. Anyway, the place was kinda sponsored by Krispy Kream.... so I've by far had my share of those doughnuts. I will, however, agree that they are pretty damned good. I'd say to get the full experience, if you've never had Krispy Kream, just get the glazed.
  6. dude, what the fuck? At 6AM this morning, for no reason, something posessed me to wake up. I *never* wake up this early.... that just means it's gonna be nappy time later.
  7. that girl was a bitch last time we talked.... but my vote doesn't count.
  8. Temporary cure for boredom, you'd be missing out if you didn't check this Star Wars nerdiness.
  9. Word Vinyl... (inside joke) ...and Wale says: " the only games i play online are multiplayers" Dirty: :smacks forehead:
  10. WhenOne's best selling instuctional guide: "Smashing on Spiders for Fun and For Profit." goodness, it's almost time to revert to sleep mode, the sun's coming up....... the ever returning "butt crack of dawn."
  11. We have to watch for people coming in this thread. If they're someone bad, we'll make them do that plank walkin stuff.
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