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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. Thieves nab $4 million in memory chips By Graeme Wearden Special to CNET News.com October 9, 2002, 3:13 PM PT Police are searching for a gang that stole memory chips worth more than $4 million from a warehouse near London's Heathrow Airport on Monday morning. The chips had been imported from Korea, and police believe that the theft--which is suspected to have taken place in the early hours of the morning--was carefully planned. "The items stolen are a large quantity of computer memory chips, and it would be difficult to dispose of this quantity without already having plans in place," said Detective Chief Inspector Rupert Hollis of Heathrow CID, according to BBC Online. The chips were stored in 290 boxes, which it is thought were loaded into a white "box" delivery truck. This truck was accompanied by a second light-blue vehicle, possibly a Ford. Police believe the U.K. computer industry may be able to help solve the crime. "I would ask everyone in the computer industry to contact police if they have any information about this theft, or if they get offered memory chips from unusual sources or at cut price," Hollis said. Last summer, mobile phones worth around $4.7 million were stolen from a warehouse near Heathrow.
  2. please explain pistol.... another good one: www.sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla
  3. :yawn: it's not bed time yet..... almost though.
  4. hahahahaha, don't start any fires you can't put out.
  5. look how close I am to being elite.... and that sounds real bad Zack actually, it could be some kinda weird shit, you might agree just to snatch the dildo at the last second and do her the normal way... ha.
  6. :waits: seriously, not kidding.... where you geezer loves at?
  7. jeez socrates.... hahaha, rhymes. all buss is like all busted. except it's how you say it if you're all buss.
  8. I woulda gaffled that shit.... and whittled his girl.
  9. I'm gonna irk off to bed now. Gander some whisker biscuits for me.
  10. I'd be willing to accept......"put my name up there and you got my vote." --Boogie. Doughboy?
  11. viny, when, and pistol.... I got you guys all beat, for real.... last night, I went to bed at 11PM, didn't wake up until 5PM today. 18 hours, read 'em and weap.
  12. Dirty_habiT


    Hesh can you get any good deals on 20" bmx frames?
  13. Good night owls. I'm going to bed, it's 6:45 AM... sleepy time... hahaha....
  14. wow I got excused. Go Pistol Woo!!!! I mean Hooooo!!!
  15. Someone kill this "Tramp." Attack Alien Night Owls AttaCK!!!!
  16. Zack: I also hate it when I have to ride with someone who drives like a dick weed.
  17. Patented Last Reply On a Thread Until Someone Else Replies technology.
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