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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. I'm gonna go pour some more Vanilla Coke.... thanks for reminding me.
  2. Goldfish are good. You know they have large ones too now. I've been going back and forth to the kitchen all night wittlin away at the french bread loaf.
  3. haha doh! I'm weird about drinking after people and letting others drink after me. I don't like floaties When, that's gross.
  4. Disney World is better. It has Majic Mountain.... and Epcot.
  5. Vinyl... look at this. An Italian court has ruled that taking 40 joints of hashish on a school trip is not a crime. The marijuana was for personal use since the 17-year-old student planned to share it with two fellow students and a teacher, the appeals court judge said. Under Italian law, selling marijuana is a crime, but possession for personal use is not. "It could easily have been consumed during the many days of the trip," Corriere della Sera daily quoted the court ruling as saying.
  6. I take that back, the only losers on this board are the ones that are losers in real life. The ones that are losers and sleeping.
  7. ayo, ayo.... holler. What's up Owls? And what happened with getting online last night ToyWar?
  8. Blah, my AIM crashed. I'm going to sleep.... maybe I'll share my hard drive and scan it from my brother's comp. Night Owls.
  9. Acting like I know isn't always the best thing. Like right now, it wouldn't get me anywhere.
  10. I'm squinting at the computer screen trying to read posts..... hopefully I'nt get eyestrain and carpel tunnel. Wow, that was a nice contraction.
  11. hahaha, HAHAHAHGAGAGAGG JIMBROWSKI LIKE WUT!!! Funny stuff. I'm gonna go venture off of the computer, Peace Owls.
  12. Wow, Pistol's here, and he doesn't have a new name..... asking if he can be a Night Owl.... grrrr.....
  13. Sorry Zack. Chin up and stay focused. My condolences.
  14. Pistol: no problem, but you should get it installed asap... I think alot of 12ozers that I talk to have it already. We are networking our files together it's really good. Oh well, join the party when you can. And I think Willy, Effyou, or you Pistol should explain to Mr. BigJoe the damn deal. BigJoe: What do you have to bring to the NO?
  15. Well g wiz. Sounds like a winner. As for me, I'm goin to bed. All that playing counterstrike's got me tuckered out. Peace.
  16. That sucks man. I don't know what I'd choose faced with a decision like that.
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