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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. nah, 455's a traitor... I'm not a fan of The Wastoids.... I mean, it's cool and all and some of my homies are in there, but I see nothing good about glamorizing the fact that you're drunk all the time.
  2. It'd be ideal if this thread isn't gayed out by gay words and gay name calling/ mass smiley posting. I saw you all talking about some gay stuff up there.... this is the Night Owls, not the NIP.... fucking stop with the homosexual references.... that thread is over there.... :points:
  3. Whoa whoa whoa, don't bring me into this. I will have no part to do with any man's wet vagina.... even your's When.
  4. Damnit, I miss jades, and she IM'd me, now she's not on.
  5. I'm glad we have some newer members. Anyway, it's 6:17 AM, I'm clocking out.... Good NightOwls....
  6. where's the new members? Even the Dirty Owl needs rest.... goodnight.
  7. Deliss is not a whore, she's a geezer lover.:)
  8. It does it does.... haha, do you see this chopper idiot? He thinks he knows who I am. Anyway, I'm off for the day... take care everyone.
  9. haha, yeah, I've got a full time job now. I've always been working but it's been small contract labor jobs here and there. This job's supposed to span over a 5 week period.... I worked 12 hours yesterday, 10 the day before, and it won't surprise me if I have to work 12 again today. edit: and good morning Alure.
  10. Peace Owls. Hahaha, well I'm goin to sleep. And, I guess I give Ragsoe my vote. :yawn:
  11. Haha, Vinyl she wants to be friends then, I dunno. Or, she could want you to cut the crap and marry her. You won't know unless you _______. *^ that is the sun setting next to a hill.... Night Owl Hill.
  12. Stare into the Alien Night Owl icon's eyes... I think you should do some series of very difficult and nearly impossible to complete tests. If by chance you can meet these requirments, only then will you truly be a Night Owl. If you are a Night Owl you already know.
  13. No. Krie mocked me. He's on Dirty's Shit List.
  14. Get the fuck out you idiot.... who the fuck do you think you are? No shut up, I don't care... leave. http://jon.jbagroup.net/pix/shutup.gif'>
  15. haha 11 that morning.... you mean 11 almost that noon.
  16. yaryaryaryary, that was a good one matey.... HOOOO!!!
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