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boogie hands

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Posts posted by boogie hands

  1. i got 5 dollars saying if they put that exact same water in regular bottles there wouldn't be half the hype and this thread would've never been created


    youre wrong theo, sorry. take it from a beverage snob. this is great water.

  2. oh, and global warming....i dont see an issue here. its not like we are going lose out on something by erring on the side of caution. i wish people would shut the fuck up with this climate change vs global warming debate and utilize the technology we have to lessen our footprint on the earth. period.


    sheer fucking stupidity....

  3. I think that shit is stupid. scientists always try to disprove all religion and pretty much try to tell the world how our future is going to be, how we can help it blah blah blah...what do you think of global warming?


    if by "disproving religion" you mean opening their eyes and minds and taking on an awareness of the world around them as opposed to being content in believing in an all knowing god who created the universe and all life in it but for some reason only came to light 2000 years ago, then, yeah. i guess they are.


    seriously dude. your beliefs are a joke at best and, at worst, a catalyst for the majority of the worlds problems. wake up and start using the brain that your "god" supposedly gave you.


    i have so little tolerance for this shit these days.

  4. i hate that so many people are obsessed wit the upper class. i mean rich people is all thats put on tv and its so fucking glorified making us normal middle class people feel like we a worth nothing.


    i guess its mainly stupid girls that are targeted but im sick of seeing how rich people live their lives. wow they can afford nice clothes, cars and cribs. fuck them why they need to show off.


    honestly, more often than not rich people are fairly unhappy and disfunctional. the wealthiest people i knew (take all of the wealthy people you know, put them together and they still wont be as rich as these people...it was retarded) were such miserable human beings i actually started feeling bad for them, their children, even their friends. i guess if you dont like rich people you can take solace in the fact that they are driving their seven series bmw back to their disfunctional home life after working 14 hours at the office.


    my observation - only get rich after you have everything else you want. get it backwards and youll most likely will never find the happiness you want (unless your head is completely up your own ass).

  5. Theres some trailer out with that puppet from Saw in it dissing all the other movies out there.... Then I thought a little deeper, dudes playing with puppets?

    No wonder shits taking its time.


    id rather see them play with puppets that have to look at another cut scene of some random guy in goggles standing on a fucking car or climbing up a ladder. seriously. that shit was way lamer than dinks & noxers intros combined.

  6. you know how when youre between the ages of 1 and 4 you dont really remember much? one thing i remember is st louis being a shit hole. that and the arch. anyway...based on the limited info i have from childhood i would say you should get a bunch of records, a bunch of gin, a bunch of mixer (because sometimes gin on the rocks is too much, for instance, 8am on a sunday), your best friends and maybe a kiddie pool or at least some water balloons. yes, that sounds like a good weekend.

  7. all im saying is maybe all of this "rest in peace" "he will be missed" crap should be reserved for someone who, say, didnt kill his family? im not trying to be a dick. its just always grated on my nerves when peoples deaths negate the horrible things they did during their life.

  8. suprised none you fucks said spray paint. this is the "writerss" forum.:mad:

    but on a liter note, a big shouties to white people for making half that shit happen, and thanks for your women.


    sure dude. we dont have sex with the fatties anyway.

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