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boogie hands

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Posts posted by boogie hands

  1. now if we can just start treating other religions like we do scientology we will be in business.


    BERLIN, Germany (Reuters) -- Germany has barred the makers of a movie about a plot to kill Adolf Hitler from filming at German military sites because its star Tom Cruise is a Scientologist, the Defense Ministry said on Monday.


    Cruise, also one of the film's producers, is a member of the Church of Scientology which the German government does not recognize as a church. Berlin says it masquerades as a religion to make money, a charge Scientology leaders reject.


    The decision drew a sharp response from Cruise's film producing partner, Paula Wagner, chief executive of United Artists Entertainment, who said Cruise's "personal beliefs have absolutely no bearing on the movie's plot, themes or content."


    The U.S. actor will portray Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, leader of the unsuccessful attempt to assassinate the Nazi dictator in July 1944 with a bomb hidden in a briefcase.

    Defense Ministry spokesman Harald Kammerbauer said the film makers "will not be allowed to film at German military sites if Count Stauffenberg is played by Tom Cruise, who has publicly professed to being a member of the Scientology cult."


    "In general, the Bundeswehr (German military) has a special interest in the serious and authentic portrayal of the events of July 20, 1944 and Stauffenberg's person," Kammerbauer said.


    Stauffenberg had been deeply opposed to the Nazis' treatment of the Jews and planted a briefcase bomb under a table near Hitler in his "Wolf's Lair" headquarters on July 20, 1944. The bomb went off but only wounded the Fuehrer.


    The film, slated for a 2008 release, will be directed by Bryan Singer and co-star Kenneth Branagh. It is called "Valkyrie" after Operation Valkyrie, the plot's codename.

    In a statement, Wagner said von Stauffenberg is characterized as a "heroic and principled figure."


    "We believe it (the film) will go a long way toward reminding the world that even within the ranks of the German military, there was real resistance to the Nazi regime," she said.

    The main site of interest would be the "Bendlerblock" memorial inside the Defense Ministry complex in Berlin, where Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators hatched the plot and where he and his closest comrades were executed when it failed.


    Kammerbauer said the ministry had not yet received official filming requests from the producers of "Valkyrie."


    While Wagner did not cite requests for specific locations, she did add: "We believe Germany is the only place we can truly do the story justice."


    Copyright 2007 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

  2. they should have a giant "gino fest" which invites ginos from jersey, staten island and upstate new york to come together to discuss tanning, waxing, rape and geds, then just sink the fucker with everyone on it. i mean, what would be the worst repercussion? one less tanning salon or juicy boutique?

  3. rickrossme4.jpg


    i like how the second guy on the right was obviously trying to sneak out before he had to get stuck taking a picture with this tubby fucking clown. seriously, nothing says "i dont give a shit about you" like taking a picture with luggage in hand.


    ps - the forefathers thing made me loller in a huge way.

  4. Re: Buff my stuff with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo.




    i used to know a guy who started one of these websites. he did things like screen movies for us after the theatre closed, fix our computers, hack satellite receivers so we could get the pay per view channels for free. we used to give him weed and he would always just pop it in his mouth and eat it. anyway, generally weird kid but fairly nice. ended up moving to the west coast, making these types of machines and starting up a website. im pretty sure nobody out of that group talks to him at this point.

  5. can you get a better flick of the co-worker?


    "johnny ballbags ladies and gentleman! come on back for the 10 o'clock set and dont forget to tip your waitress."


    seriously...hardy-har-har status.

  6. alright, i want to see what photo prize i can pull out of the grab bag....


    dear rentals sister,


    that zip line looks fucking awesome. its really too bad the military is full of rigid assholes because a couple of zodiacs in the water and a keg could take that thing from functional to a one way ticket on the party express. seriously. how fun would that be?


    anyway, france sounds like fun. ive never been but if i were to take a trip i would be so full of wine a cheese that i wouldnt have any time or energy to do anything else. did you have some good cheese? i hope so. if not you should just lie and tell rental you did. it would probably make her jealous.


    oh, and if you happen to make it up near the arctic circle and find yourself in norway, dont bother picking up the new turbonegro album. its not really good enough to justify the kroner to dollar exchange. seriously, its hard to believe but im listening to it right now and am only feeling minimal amounts of rock. maybe they should start doing more hard drugs.


    well, im looking forward to hearing from you. hopefully you dont have to deal with too many

    "seaman" jokes. if i was a female in the navy i would probably get pretty annoyed with that. at least there is that village people song, "in the navy". im sure you can figure out how to use that as a tool to suggest homosexuality amongst your male counterparts.


    until next time,

    boogie hands

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