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Fuck this whack, self-promoting, toy-ass legal wall wanna-bee "INDIANAPOLIS" writers thread...most of the people who come on here and post clueless comments don't even fucking write (by GRAFF standards, making the city look like shit with a sharpie magnum does NOT count for anything) or don't have a clue what REAL GRAFFITI is about...it's fuckin hilarious to watch people come on here and talk shit to other users...people who know each other in "real" life and pretend like it ain't them....chumpo move, toys....keep typing away on the keyboard and biting whack ass styles and scribbling with shitty litttle markers everywhere in desperate hopes for attention...it will get you nowhere


On a side note, props to all the real fucking heads posting pictures and sharing history, you know who you are...

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what would you even know about it guy?


just like drat was on for a FEW MONTHS and got taken down for being stupid

there will be more cats that think indianapolis is the place to "take over" and go "all city".


maybe they can also bring a ton of un-needed heat, get publicly dragged off to jail and then have their work erased like it was never there in the first place. and what would that accomplish? im not singling out choke, drat, or anyone else. you think you know what time it is in indianapolis? see how long your shit rides after you either leave or get sentenced.


not to say that there isnt a place for street bombing, but the last thing indy needs graffiti wise is some cat from another state encouraging more toys to get more cameras installed in spots like yards and alleys. thats really all that got accomplished in the past. it didnt leave an "indelible mark on society".

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i guess the point i am trying to make is..

there are some guys doing work streetside and they are doing it right, rocking nice spots and doing quality work.. they know who they are


indianapolis is not louisville. in spots where things ride in louisville for years, they ride for weeks if even that in indianapolis. fucking up the downtown like certain people have is beyond pointless, when three months after they stop.. its as clean as the day it was made. you want to encourage some youngsters.. do it in your own fucking state. i got no problems saying it to your face guy, no internet tough guy needed.

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^^^ Ditto!


On an unrelated note... It was brought to my attention one of Indy's own "graffiti writers" went over and Mber panel. Wack move, I won't point fingers. You probably already know who you are and thought no one would notice. If you didn't realize who your were rocking over Lethe importance of that panel, well that just speaks for it's self.

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i guess the point i am trying to make is..

there are some guys doing work streetside and they are doing it right, rocking nice spots and doing quality work.. they know who they are


indianapolis is not louisville. in spots where things ride in louisville for years, they ride for weeks if even that in indianapolis. fucking up the downtown like certain people have is beyond pointless, when three months after they stop.. its as clean as the day it was made. you want to encourage some youngsters.. do it in your own fucking state. i got no problems saying it to your face guy, no internet tough guy needed.


I'm flattered you took the time out of your day to attempt to talk shit towards me but seeing as I don't know who you are and don't really care either imma let the haters hate..

Its apparent that your not too up to date on the state of affairs in louisville but good spots don't ride here most off the time most spots ride a month tops, only way to ensure something will ride is to make sure its an expensive buff, go bigger, climb higher, do more ridiculous locations.

To discredit a serious bomber like choke its pretty weak since he was the one out taking all the risks, risking (doing) jail time.

I think its funny how spoiled you freight writters are, paint a train, tell your friends, post the flick online seems to be the regular routine between most of youall, plus freights ride way longer before buff.

without the internet and the ease of self promotion freight writters would not be as prevalent if they even existed at all.

Don't get me wrong I have mad respect for dudes like, ichabod who I see on lines almost every time they roll thru but most of youall are shit talkers that are too scared to leave the safety of your yards.

Just because your in a smaller city dosnt mean you have to be on the same small town shit as everyone else.

Go to ny they got cameras on almost every building up there and the place is still getting destroyed I know cause I have bombed up there and plan on going back soon.


Don't look at this as me talking shit or ethuggin towards you 100% juice cause I don't know you and for all I know you could be someone I have respect for but don't try to hate on me just because I heave adifferent opinion on graffiti than you.

Have a happy thanksgiving indianapolis

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smaller cities like indy and louisville don't have any public transit systems, so the most viable option is to rock freights... why try to look for ways to put others down for something they like to do? seems like some read or heard so many stories about clean trains getting rocked in larger cities and want to live through someone else's past... sorry, I am not going to live through someones memories or past of what they did... who hasn't bombed in ny??? not like it really matters... it all comes back to the midwest anyways

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I'm not putting anyone down for painting trains many friends of mine do that. I just don't appreciate people (mainly freight writters) who down the people that are willing to risk there freedom bombing more than just a freight yard, all because police install cameras and other things that make it slightly harder for you to catch tags...

You do realize that those cameras affect the street bomber a lot more than a freight witter s.o why do you care?

Look at LA they buff way harder than indy ever could, they still smash the city.


also there is a big difference between bombing freights and bombing transit...

Freights travel across country while transit stays in city, so painting transit means once its painted they know where it was painted, if you regulate your freight yard well enough no workers will ever know you were there.


Dudes who focus on transit are the most determined in my mind since transit is incredibly risky to paint and will only ride for that day at most.

Don't take offense to anything I say since my opinion shouldn't matter to you.

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I am no body just like you.


finding a spot to bomb transit takes a shit load of researching that spot before you enter, plus you usually have only a small window before security makes its rounds. In a sense painting transit would be like painting a freight daytime in a active yard where all the workers absolutely hate graffiti. I could suit here and waste energy talking about transit all day but this is the indy thread not the transit thread.

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