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If you don't live here and are not from here, your comments are meaningless, period. You don't know what this so-called scene has come from. You may be from a bigger city, run with better known crews, and be down to commit felonies at a moment's notice. But I guarantee you are not better than the dopest writers in MY city, which happens to be Indianapolis.


What city are all you big-timers from anyway? Must be a pretty hard town if you gave up fucking with local writers and came all the way down the food chain to criticize us. Gosh, we're touched.


Indianapolis represent. We never got any credit before and I doubt that will change anytime soon. You know who you are.

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If you don't live here and are not from here, your comments are meaningless, period. You don't know what this so-called scene has come from. You may be from a bigger city, run with better known crews, and be down to commit felonies at a moment's notice. But I guarantee you are not better than the dopest writers in MY city, which happens to be Indianapolis.


What city are all you big-timers from anyway? Must be a pretty hard town if you gave up fucking with local writers and came all the way down the food chain to criticize us. Gosh, we're touched.


Indianapolis represent. We never got any credit before and I doubt that will change anytime soon. You know who you are.


Sorry but i will have to disagree, i feel since i paint here, live here and pay taxes here my comments should and do matter. Youre at the bottom of the food chain for a reason most of your so-called writter don't paint and the ones who do don't really matter anywhere outside of indiana. Indianapolis is in the top 15 largest cities in the country, but yet places like DC or baltimore have seen more action in the last 1 then you have in the last 5. Don't be mad at the fact that im actually doing something out of my graff game instead of painting murals and calling myself a Writer.

Which brings me to another topic, How are your dopest Writers and yes i mean WRITERS not people who are really good at art and do murals with spray paint ( no offense to the homies ) Give me 10 or better yet 5... Right now epek and that other dude are putting in more work then your so-call writers. ( My meaning of writers: People doing some kind of illegal work in your city. Right now not last year or the year before last. )

The thing is half of the people here are brainwashed by the things they see at your local graff spot, which if it wasn't for sacred having that event once every year you would see the same people on that wall all the time. ( Yo guys you know who you are )

Since im not from here my comments really don't matter but then again they do.

Thanks this was fun, maybe we should get together and talk about this more over some beers i'll buy the first round and you can talk to me about where your scence came from.

Yo guy im hardly home but always repping.

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Here is what i have to say about "self promo"

I totally understand and agree with the point so often made: Doing a few really nice and thought out pieces in a safe-ass spot or even a legal wall and then flicking the things yourself and posting them online is kind of "cheating" in a way. Its a rather cheap way of gaining internet fame, having people see your stuff, and making yourself feel better. Its also a way of completely bypassing the hardcore effort aspect, i.e. the going out and painting everyday, the legal risk, basically the putting in time etc. which is what deserves the real respect in my opinion.


HOWEVER, What about people who live in a town where no one else really does it? they don't have other writers that will ever pass by and flick their shit or call them and give em props. Sure people around town will see it, and thats great, but they wouldn't get feedback from someone who understands graf, someone who's opinion is really valuable. THOSE people i believe have to "self promote." because to them its a tool. It is how they get a reaction from other writers. Its how they know if what they're doing is worth it. Maybe they're completely whack and need someone to tell them. Maybe they need some props from a writer who knows a thing or two to inspire them to keep writing. Hell, enough props may inspire them to move to a different town, or switch from walls to freights. people want to know how their shit affects others.


so I say self promo has a purpose and a place, but I agree that many don't know what its purpose or place is and therefore they abuse it.


second that and my contribution for the shit talkers..

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