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first off let me start by saying you dont know me, and no i wont tell you what i write...

i literally just read the entire thread and would like to continue the shit talking a little by saying the following,.

A. choke told on himself, moet is sick and he didnt snitch on anyone.

b. whoever is writing destro is an idiot cause there is already a destro that is down with tcb

c. tcb is sick so stop hating.

d. props to brisk his shit is pretty ill

e. props to bier, westo, jer and nick for not being fucking stupid.

f. where is all the good shit...i wanna see some emek, destro, sek1 some more gasp maybe some ru1 some cese(cease) some more acero...ect. ect.(someone should flick that jer and nick shit that just poped up everywhere downtown.

g. upfe stop the beef with westo cause your bound to get yourself hurt eventually.

h. exile(exiler) is dumb..screw that kid and his rap career...hahaha(and i would touch pez with anyone of you dudes dicks, chick is nasty)

I. to all you dudes that are giving so many props to choke(and drat) for being all city...thats cool but as ol'boy said...have a lil respect for historic buildings and churches and even mom and pop shops...the goal is to be seen not to ruin everything in sight with graff that you think is good when in all reality you suck(that was a generalized statedment not directed at choke or drat...i actually like alot of there shit)

j. i lived in Chi for a while and while there the trains where covered but as far as inner city shit...Chi has nothing on indy so stop talking shit(i love chicago)



so im sure that about 30 of you are gonna have something dumb to say about this post... and thats cool...but know that im not going to argue with you or try to act tough...this is the internet...come on!

keep those pics coming!

if anyone does have some emek shit or even some old SMB shit please post it or pm me...i would love to see some of that shit again...

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Lots of people have been all city. I'm not shit talking (text shows no emotion, sorry) but let's face it this is fucking Indiana you can get all city in a matter of no time if you really wanted. It is NOT hard. I understand respect towards certain buildings and structures but at the same time someone who paints for that sake or vandalism, not art finds it hard to justify not hitting it. How about you do what you do (or don't do anymore) and leave the politics up to some kids who do put in work. Graffiti is ever evolving and the rules will bend and flex here and there. I see so many people getting butt hurt on here about what is going on in the scene and it's people who barely pick up the utensils to call them selves writers or it's guys who may have put in work but, have left a long time ago. If that's the case, stop trying to jump back in and "set us kids straight," you left for a reason stay gone.


As far as bumping dudes on here. Do what the fuck you want, good styles are highly arguable.


but sorry: jesse katsopolis No hard feelings you'll think and do what you want which is ok with me but the Upfe and Westo shit... If you really knew both of them you would know there is nothing to worry about for either of them. It would be a highly laughable cat fight. Both maybe good at painting but at fighting nah not at all.


PS Jesse I think I know who you are, could be wrong but it's time for you to get out more so some of those flicks you want will surface.

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