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Free Jeremy Hammond, accused Anonymous hacker

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Jeremy Hammond, accused Anonymous hacker, will be arraigned onMonday May 14, 2012 at 12:00 PMU.S. Courthouse500 Pearl Street in Lower ManhattanCourtroom 12A --Chief Judge Lorretta A. Preska, Southern District of New YorkThe United States of America versus Jeremy Hammond.


Jeremy Hammond is a 27-year-old political activist from Chicago, Illinois. He is currently incarcerated at the federal jail in New York City, charged with hacking conspiracies carried out by the LulzSec/AntiSec wing of Anonymous. His four co-defendants, Ryan Ackroyd, Jake Davis, Darren Martyn and Donncha O'Cearrbhail, are awaiting extradition from Britain and Ireland. The charges include the hacking of Stratfor and HBGary Federal, two private security firms contracted to spy and collect intelligence by governments and corporations. They are also charged with focusing on law enforcement by hacking the Arizona Department of Public Safety, infamous for its racist immigration policies.


Stratfor’s clients include not only giant corporations like Bank of America, Boeing and Lockheed Martin, but U.S. government agencies, including all four branches of the military, the FBI, Homeland Security and local police forces. As a private spy agency, Stratfor avoids constitutional constraints. Internal emails published by WikiLeaks offer disturbing revelations about the hidden workings of the military industrial complex. The hack revealed that Stratfor employs a network of paid informants that include government employees and journalists. The hack also revealed that Stratfor client Dow Chemical paid for spying on activists working to seek redress for the Bhopal environmental disaster. Stratfor was also hired by the Texas Department of Public Safety to infiltrate Occupy Austin.


HBGary is a technology security company that sells information and other services to the Federal Government. The Anonymous hack revealed HBGary's potentially illegal proposal to take down WikiLeaks by fueling a feud between different groups, disseminating disinformation, tracking and threatening its financial donors, and submitting fake documents to WikiLeaks and then calling out the error. Other emails appear to show the U.S. Chamber of Commerce contracted the firm to spy on and discredit unions and liberal groups.


The Arizona Department of Public Safety was hacked in response to the "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act" (Arizona State Bill 1070), which requires immigrants to register and carry registration documents, and encourages racial profiling and improper stop and frisks. The hack resulted in the release of documents describing law enforcement techniques and operational plans. The emails included racist comments by police officers and showed police countenance of vigilante and white supremacist groups. Opposition to the law was expressed in mass protests and boycotts with participants that included sports leagues, musicians, and municipalities, and effectively caused $141 billion in revenues to be lost.


Jeremy Hammond is part of a growing world-wide movement of political activists who utilize advanced technologies to accomplish their political goals of disseminating information, holding governments, law enforcement, individuals and corporations accountable for their misdeeds, and mobilizing real-world global protest.


Hammond came to the attention of the Federal Government after the FBI secretly arrested Hector Monsegur (AKA Sabu), a leading Lulzsec member turned informant. If convicted, Hammond potentially faces decades in prison.

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While the anarchist, antiwar and information freedom movements focus their attention — rightly so — on Bradley Manning’s torture and detention for exposing U.S. war crimes, let’s also spare some attention for another hero: Jeremy Hammond.


Hammond is allegedly the main hacker behind last December’s LulzSec hack of Stratfor, a quasi-private corporate intelligence and strategic analysis firm with close ties to the national security state. As someone who used to regularly read their analysis (helpfully “pirated” and distributed by a subscriber on an email list I frequented), I can testify to its quality.


Stratfor, although firmly on the side of the bad guys, delivers brutally frank and realistic assessments of the strategic situation for the American national security community and for transnational corporations in need of amoral and honest situational analysis of the countries they’re planning to bleed, rape and pillage.

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If you cannot afford to contribute to Jeremy's legal defense that's totally understandable. We are all suffering under State Capitalism. However, if you want to lend support in other ways, please consider joining the Jeremy Hammond Defense Committee. The committee involves immediate members of Jeremy's family. We are working on figuring out creative methods to demonstrate solidarity for Jeremy. Contact jason@freehammond.com for more information. A retainer mailing address will be established soon, and when there is one set up, you will find it here, along with any court appearances to be posted here.



Elizabeth Fink, along with others from the New York National Lawyers Guild, (NY NLG) have taken up Jeremy's case in his defense. Their website and contact info can be found at http://fkolaw.com/. Jeremy is currently being held at MCC New York, where he will likely be for the duration of the trial or until a bond is posted. As of yet, no bond has been posted yet. However, Jeremy has already happily received letters and can be written to at this address;if you are interested in sending books, please do so through Amazon or the publisher direct through to his address, which is;



Jeremy Hammond - 18729-424Metropolitan Correctional Center150 Park RowNew York, New York, 10007

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though i, in spirit, support much of what anon does i'm not sure i follow this.


dude breaks laws, isn't sneaky enough to get away with it, so we should give money to expensive lawyers so he can not face the consequences to his actions? slimy lawyers that build defense cases on gender confusion and nonsense further the worthlessness of our justice system.


and bringing up bradley manning in comparison reinforces why i will not support


anarcho shit is dumb.

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