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wtf just happend....anyone watching texans and lions? Forsett got tackled...forearm and elbow AND knee down and he just kept running...lions get a 15 yard penalty for challenging and it counts as a touchdown. i thought all scoring plays were reviewed??


i don't care about either of these teams really.

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That call was booty, stupid fucking NFL rules.

Theyll waste 15mins to look at a call that effects nothing, then when it counts they flop.


Also, sorry Al and Pert but the Cowboys are the worst team in football.

And I mean the absolute worst.


Garrett sucks as a coach, Tony Romo sucks as a QB, Dez Byrant fucks up for every positive thing he can do, and the defense has to be the biggest collection of pussies, idiots and novices in the league. Making RG3's day look like Madden, now ill have to listen all week how you fags made allowed him to score 8 TDs as a rookie in one game.

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i agree, Dallas is terrible but i wouldn't go as far as saying they are the absolute worst. I think they are the biggest disappointment since everyone always says how they are America's team and how they promise to be great year after year. There are obviously teams that are worse overall.

I hope RG3 can get 8 td's.....he's my fantasy starter!

I'm also looking forward to see how far the Ravens can go with all the injuries, they have managed to win so far.

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You have to give Romo credit. we would have been blown out if it wasnt for him, as for Garrett, he is truly awful, I cant defend that man. We have very few good players on D, 2 of the best linebackers in the league, are now both hurt. Carr is showing every game he is NOT worth 50mil. Dude got beat on like 3 td plays tonight. Dez might mess up sometimes, but he's been a beast lately. That's all I can defend though. We arent the worst, but if we played the worst, we would have a hard time beating them. We're a poorly coached, and managed team, and it probably won't be fixed any time soon. I'll never abandon ship though.




ps. Good thing I picked the skins, lololollolololol

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That was one of the most impressive comebacks ive ever seen, and I was at M&T when they came back down 21 pts. to the Cardinals last year.


Just keep winning, Fuck the doubters, 9-2, 4-0 divisional.

Im thinking its finally going to be the Harbaugh-bowl.


Stats are for losers, the only stats you need to know is 9-2.

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With or without Cutler?



With Cutler, we win big.



Without, you saw.



As you saw yesterday when we have Cutler, we put up points, and the D puts up turnovers.


Even talk of Cutler MVP. As seeing what this team dosent without him, I'd say he deserves it.


8-1 with Cutler, 0-2 without, so If we dont lose Cutler, we are 10-1

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With Cutler, I think the falcons might still beat them. The Bears D is great, and we all know that, but the Falcons seem to be ridiculously consistent, and IMO, have the best WR duo in the league. They're so tough to cover.


Who really knows though, it's football, literally anything can happen.

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