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funky king

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wait wait were talking about the same guy that bustes the same kuetes but in different colors oh i forgot he only slightly changes the S then you guys get all moist and juicy fruits in your panties.jeje.I will pay the dude to change his K because that shit looks the same as when he first started.tuf guys these days.draz has better shit then him hes always changing his throwies.psst jk.that fucken pussy has the same ugly handicapped throwies.it looks like a ritard did it with his hadicapped helmet on with a sticker on the front of the superman symbol.people need to fucken realize whats good and whats not.i hate part time writters its just plain stupid.do us a favor.call your manager TheMaker and ask him if you can write full time he mite say yes depending on who it is.sincerely TheMaker.

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wait wait were talking about the same guy that bustes the same kuetes but in different colors oh i forgot he only slightly changes the S then you guys get all moist and juicy fruits in your panties.jeje.I will pay the dude to change his K because that shit looks the same as when he first started.tuf guys these days.draz has better shit then him hes always changing his throwies.psst jk.that fucken pussy has the same ugly handicapped throwies.it looks like a ritard did it with his hadicapped helmet on with a sticker on the front of the superman symbol.people need to fucken realize whats good and whats not.i hate part time writters its just plain stupid.do us a favor.call your manager TheMaker and ask him if you can write full time he mite say yes depending on who it is.sincerely TheMaker.


God damn you have yet to spell "writers" correctly. You are such a retarded fag. And you're also the biggest pussy on this website because you talk the most shit yet won't say who you are or won't handle anything in person but you're quick to rush to your computer and post about how you saw this person and that person and were almost gonna do something but didn't.

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Free Moda from this same pit i seen about 2,ooo times already.dude has man tits damn you let yourself go plus that ugly ass dirty flea market Hanes tang top 10 for five dollars at the flea market,not the real thing but it works for this fat piece of shit.free him from this location.my god,amen.

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Free Moda from this same pit i seen about 2,ooo times already.dude has man tits damn you let yourself go plus that ugly ass dirty flea market Hanes tang top 10 for five dollars at the flea market,not the real thing but it works for this fat piece of shit.free him from this location.my god,amen.



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i hate fake writters i hate the world but i rather see nice art then a piece of shit stock tip throwie with no fill in.why risk hitting a wall with a fucken stock tip throwie go ape shit and fill the mother fucker in.just my fucken opinion.

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Free Moda from this same pit i seen about 2,ooo times already.dude has man tits damn you let yourself go plus that ugly ass dirty flea market Hanes tang top 10 for five dollars at the flea market,not the real thing but it works for this fat piece of shit.free him from this location.my god,amen.


hahah your a complete idiot u really think moda would post a pic of himself here? lol bump the homie patron tho :cool:

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