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Hot work being done in this video, A Must Check.


thats cool and all but how is this event promoting the love of God when yall are breaking the 4th commandment? remember the sabbath day to keep it holy? six days shalt thou labor and do all they work but the seventh day (saturday) is the sabbath of the Lord thy God. the event is on the sabbath day. Ye hypocrites... Plus billy graham is a fraud.

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What I'm more concerned about is how they're saying writing on other peoples shit is cool, but if two gay guys want to get married, it's an abomination.


Leviticus 20:13


"if A man lies with a man as one would lie with a women, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death, their blood Will be on their own heads."

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thats cool and all but how is this event promoting the love of God when yall are breaking the 4th commandment? remember the sabbath day to keep it holy? six days shalt thou labor and do all they work but the seventh day (saturday) is the sabbath of the Lord thy God. the event is on the sabbath day. Ye hypocrites... Plus billy graham is a fraud.


Exodus 31:12


********* "The LORD then gave these further instructions to Moses: 'Tell the people of Israel to keep my Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you forever. ***It helps you to remember that I am the LORD, who makes you holy.*** Yes, keep the Sabbath day, for it is holy. ***Anyone who desecrates it must die"

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Hey, Love, isn't hating people, and as far as the 4th commandment is, it's between us & God and worshiping HIM, Now how do I do that? It's through the gifts He has given me and that's in art, music & writing. Look I am not about to promote religion, honestly I can not stand religion, any of it. Its about bondage and slavery and how they can control people. I am only a man who loves God and cares about people and their talents. Am I wrong for encouraging you? Forgive me. I am and will continue to encourage those who need encouragement & build bridges for those wanting a way to cross. Now I leave the rest for you to make up your mind about. Grace & Peace -Eknock

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thats cool and all but how is this event promoting the love of God when yall are breaking the 4th commandment? remember the sabbath day to keep it holy? six days shalt thou labor and do all they work but the seventh day (saturday) is the sabbath of the Lord thy God. the event is on the sabbath day. Ye hypocrites... Plus billy graham is a fraud.

Doesn't that count as resting?

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Not all things in the Bible are meant to be taken literally, and anyone who tells you different is a fundamentalist jackass whose thinking has been the cause of many wars. Although it says that people who sin should be killed (usually by stoning) The Bible also says to let "he who is without sin cast the first stone." and even more importantly, "Thou Shall not murder."

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