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DAO appreciation thread...yup.


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That you contradict yourself. First you said you think stupid rambling thoughts, then you said you're on point. Which is it? :lol:




Exactly what I said.


I'm "usually" on point.







































































































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Like you never had a moment of unclarity when drunk.


Nothing desperate here though. We're actually looking to buy a house.


You mad.



Whenever I had a "moment of unclarity", it wouldn't involve writing a long, detailed, coherent message on the internet, and corresponding back & forth about it over a span of 3.5 hours.

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Originally those were Attachments of the DAO pics. Then you edited it. Didn't ASS already call you out several times for lying about editing posts? You really are a pathological liar.


This idiot is the king of completely editing posts so that the post after it will seem completely out of context.


Then he'll say something like "LOLWUT take your meds" and post a couple duncecap emoticons.


Oh, and retarts.




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For a guy like you that claims to not be a lightweight, you shouldn't be drunk to the point that you can't think correctly for 3.5 hours. When I used to drink heavily, I would feel it wearing off about an hour after my binge.


I'm doubting that you ever "drank heavily".

Shit, I don't even drink heavily much these days.

I mean, I drink every night. But not to where I'm falling down.

I do still get fairly drunk at times though.


3.5 hours is not a long time to be drunk.

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I checked. Your first message was sent at night and your last was sent early the next morning over a span of 3.5 hours. You were drunk for that long?



Once again, I'm not picking sides but:




I been drunk for 3.5 YEARS, not the last 3.5 but still... that shit don't mean shit. It mostly means YOU wanna spend your time arguing with drunks, who may or may not be out thinking you. I'm drunk right now and I can still recognize a Non Sequiter attack.


That fails.


You know I like you Theo but you gotta bring real arguments to the table if you want your pictures to have relevance.

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Once again, I'm not picking sides but:




I been drunk for 3.5 YEARS, not the last 3.5 but still... that shit don't mean shit. It mostly means YOU wanna spend your time arguing with drunks, who may or may not be out thinking you. I'm drunk right now and I can still rcognize a Non Sequiter attack.


That fails.


You know I like you Theo but you gotta bring real arguments to the table if you want your pictures to have relevance.




LOL, nothing is "wrong" with it. I'm asking how a guy who is corresponding with someone through PM's in a coherent fashion, claiming days later that they were "drunk" the entire time as a way to deny that they meant whatever they said.


I have seen alcoholics & homeless dudes drunk for longer than that, but not a person engaging in a rational PM exchange. Then claiming later they weren't rational.

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I'm doubting that you ever "drank heavily".

Shit, I don't even drink heavily much these days.

I mean, I drink every night. But not to where I'm falling down.

I do still get fairly drunk at times though.


3.5 hours is not a long time to be drunk.



This was in my late teens and very early 20's when I used to "drink heavily" and binge drink. Now I probably have a drink a week, usually on the weekend. Sometimes 2 a month.

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Once again, I'm not picking sides but:




I been drunk for 3.5 YEARS, not the last 3.5 but still... that shit don't mean shit. It mostly means YOU wanna spend your time arguing with drunks, who may or may not be out thinking you. I'm drunk right now and I can still recognize a Non Sequiter attack.


That fails.


You know I like you Theo but you gotta bring real arguments to the table if you want your pictures to have relevance.







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LOL, nothing is "wrong" with it. I'm asking how a guy who is corresponding with someone through PM's in a coherent fashion, claiming days later that they were "drunk" the entire time as a way to deny that they meant whatever they said.


I have seen alcoholics & homeless dudes drunk for longer than that, but not a person engaging in a rational PM exchange. Then claiming later they weren't rational.




Us mics tend to be pretty good at pulling off coherency while drunk.

It's in our genes.

Shit, I've never even had a DUI. (knocks on wood.)

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I'm asking how a guy who is corresponding with someone through PM's in a coherent fashion, claiming days later that they were "drunk" the entire time as a way to deny that they meant whatever they said.


aiight, I'll buy that, but I'll also say that this is a problem for intelligent drunks who like to argue everywhere. Not that they like to argue everywhere but... yeah... Most will let go of the hyperbole the next day and admit they didn't know what was what but... if they are true believers I don't see how being drunk is an issue, you might as well call 'them' fags or jews or niggers... it's a slippery slope.

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