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The New Orleans thread.....


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^ how could i even be mad at that.

i just gotta laugh it off cuz you had to add in " im not trying to fight you"


like you wanna talk shit but dont want to get punched in the face for what your saying...


thats pretty bitch.

forget about graffitti. if you dont want to accept the weight of the words your saying...

you shouldnt be saying shit in the first place.


...jeez fighting you would be like fighting a little girl.

im not even trying to catch an attitutde.

theres not a chance in hell that you could ever harm me considering im at least 175 pounds heavier than you and a half foot taller.


so the gist of it is.... if you dont wanna fight... why say the kinda shit that will make me wanna bust your ass? ...


your head is blown up from hiding behind more famous writers than you... ( bserk, goose, evak, and let it just be put out right here... that you are the type of person who loves to brag about hanging out with goose)



shit dude honestly.... i remember i took you to a party when you first moved here and you got drunk and started making out with a dude in the corner... i decided i wouldnt tell anybody cuz i thought that was some pretty embaressing stuff.

so yeah

just keep talking shit dude.


cuz i know im gonna see you in real life and your gonna be like

" dude can we be friends again? i really like your graffitti..."

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how can you even compare Goose to Sike. Sike is in nationally known crews like KD and FU that shows who has more clout in the graf game. Besides Sike lived in LBC Cali before movin back down here a lil while ago, so thats why hes not up as much in NOLA, and besides quality is more important than quantity at least in my mind.

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deaf and tee...shut the fuck up, yall sound like 2 little ass girls

"i dont like looking at your graffiti" SHUT THE FUCK UP! you sound stupid

and the saddest part is YALL TWO KNOW EACHOTHER, either of you could just make a phone call and yet you are still fillin up the thread talking shit only so other people can read it. Talkin about who is bigger and who made out with a dude!! hahaha you give writers a bad name

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