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the ancient code


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Carl P. Munck, has made what i believe to be one of the most important discoveries of the 21st century, and one of the least acknowledged.


He basically has found out a working system of math that connects every single ancient mound, monument, and pyramid. This includes Stonehenge, the native american mounds mistakenly labeled forts, the Nazca lines, everything. This means that ancient man had great knowledge of math, So much so they had a working global coordinate system similar to our own.


This video is shitty quality, and long but it will explain everything. I really suggest watching at least a good chunk of it. All the better copies are gone i could not find any other than this one, but you can download the full quality from pirate bay or demonoid.





here is a link to a website with lots of his work on it.





Another interesting thing, people speculate that the few genuine crop circles are found in correspondence to this grid, and appear in places where the monuments have been covered up or destroyed.\


I think this is a very important discovery and that it is a shame it has not been covered in detail in mainstream, on something like the discovery channel or national geographic.

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People can find patterns in anything



Be it Jesus in a billboard add for spagetti or a coordinate system that maps multiple ancient locations, people seem to cluster things together to make sense of the chaos that surrounds our universe


But why would there be a pattern in ancient architecture? Everyone was seperate and things would take a really long time to reach the other side of the world.

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You can make a pattern out of anything


for example, we find patterns in the stars and call them constillations, if you put a million dots on a page you could plot a coordinate system over more than 50% of them and have them hit, probably a lot more according to simple probability. Now replace that page with the earth and those dots with every historically significant location, event site, or suspected event sites. You could easily come up with a completely arbitrary system of plots and coordinates based around them hitting a large percentage.



It's all perception, save for the fact that certain prime examples he uses such as the pyramids and Stonehenge are alligned to certain galactic happenings. These places are going to be alligned with the position of the stars, so even though these people had no way of knowing what was going on as far as the other locations/times of creation, they all had one comonality - they are alligned to galactic events that are universal across a rotating night sky. They are alligned to a sort of galactic coordinate system, something that can be seen anywhere on the globe.


Really I think this guy is more of a retard for not understanding these basic concepts.

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I just looked at this website



What the fuck are they teaching you kids in school?!? How do you think the ancients sailed the oceans? GLOBAL POSITIONING based on... Drumroll please... star charts

Seriously, you should have been sceptical at "cryptoarcheogist"





Here, if you want something to read about that is actually mysterious (and not based on an authors playing with most peoples ignorance to ancient astronomy and mathematics) check out the antikytheria





It's actually real, unlike that bullshit you posted

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No dude, I get it, and it's all bullshit

the fact that locations such as the pyramids in Egypt, Stonehenge, and many south American sites are "alligned" is because the creators alligned them to certain galactic events. You have to think of a star coordinate system being projected onto the earth, which was how ancients used the stars for global positioning. This, combined with advanced geometry answers everything. Since this munck guy is neither a mathematician or an astronomer, he is completely ignorant of this commonly known stuff. Fact is scientists have known these locations are alligned to a galacitic coordinate system based on sky rotation, so this huge discovery as he claims is actually common knowledge. Then he runs with his ignorance, creating this fantasy system to explain his "findings" , that's why nobody credible in the scientific community will work on this - because not only is this not a "discovery" but it's also a retarded distortion of things we know to be true.





Seriously, championing stuff like this will only make you appear more ignorant


This guy doesn't understand astronomy or mathematics because he is just an archeologist, and a pretty poor one if he had to invent the "cryptoarcheologist" title he gives himself





Sorry, but for people with real knowledge of how the ancients used the stars, this stuff is pure ignorance

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It's bullshit because we have known for hundreds of years that these locations are aligned to galactic coordinates and occurances, and these galactic coordinates allign to coresponding positions on the earths surface. It's bullshit because he presents this "discovery" as something new that he discovered. It's not new, and it's not mysterious. It's all very basic ancient astronomy and eucledian geometry. Furthermore, it's bullshit because this guy attempts to create this bullshit arbitrary "pyramid matrix" to plot everything, when they can already be plotted far more accurately according to galactic models.


If you can't understand how retarded this stuff is I suggest you take a couple intro to astronomy classes, if you can fit it into your busy schedule of believing anyone who puts a book out while completely ignoring their lack of credentials

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You dont get it. These structures were built the way they were to convey their location on the grid, indeedery doo by using astronomy. And this is something NOT acknowledged. Its acknowledged that they are built in correlation to the stars using astronomy. Because that is how they knew where to build them. But what is not acknowledged is that the buildings themselves contain all the math you need to find their location on the map, which is what this dude is saying.

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Whatever, believe your little retard book written by a nobody about stuff clearly neither you nor the author understand. There's a reason nobody with any credentials will sign on to this.




Keep believing in this "pyramid matrix" which is really just the projected galactic coordinates on the earths surface.



So let me guess, you're a sophmore at a state school majoring in anthropology or English lit or better yet philosophy? You havnt taken much math and zero astronomy, so you are dealing with concepts that are not only well understood within the scientific community, but also that you are completely unprepared to speak on. Sorry dude, your ignorance is being played upon to sell this retards books.

That seems much more likely to be realty than that this nobody has discovered some ancient galactic secret that "they" refuse to acknowledge



Don't stop, beleivin

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whatever you say man, you are completely wrong though. That guess about me is way off and you are jumping to conclusions about this theory. There is no "galactic secret" which shows me how little attention you payed to all of this. This isnt some alternative theory to already known use of the stars for the ancients. The galactic coordinates are BUILT INTO the structures themselves, which you have no explanation for. Its not very hard to believe, that a culture was smart enough to use math and the stars to both place and build their megaliths but for some reason you cannot accept this idea.

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The galactic coordinates are BUILT INTO the structures themselves, which you have no explanation for. Its not very hard to believe, that a culture was smart enough to use math and the stars to both place and build their megaliths but for some reason you cannot accept this idea.



And this is a new idea why?

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Yeah the fact that these structures are alligned to cosmic occurances is well known and not a secret... Stonehenge is known to be a solstice marker among other things, the piramids, be they south American or egyptian, are known to be aligned and positioned to similar galactic events. This is all well known and documented stuff that is presented within this "pyramid matrix" theory which is utter bullshit. What you don't seem to understand is that the truth this munck guy presents is well established fact, and the theory he surrounds it with is a complete misinterpretation based on his ignorance.

He's acting like he discovered this stuff , which is a lie. He's acting like the scientific community doesn't know about this, which is a lie. He's acting like it means something more significant than all these societies shared the same sky. He uses this as proof of some master allignment, which is bullshit because when you have corresponding points on earth to galactic events the relation to those earthly points is a secondary result, the primary being the allignment to the sky.







So I was wrong about you. What formal astronomical / mathematical / other relevant schooling have you had in reference to this subject?


Keep arguing for this guy. It only further proves your ignorance on the subject

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Carl P. Munck, has made what i believe to be one of the most important discoveries of the 21st century, and one of the least acknowledged.


He basically has found out a working system of math that connects every single ancient mound, monument, and pyramid. This includes Stonehenge, the native american mounds mistakenly labeled forts, the Nazca lines, everything. This means that ancient man had great knowledge of math, So much so they had a working global coordinate system similar to our own.

mainstream, on something like the discovery channel or national geographic.


This is why you look like an idiot





Please explain how he "discovered" eucledian geometry?

Please explain one thing he actually discovered, stuff he made up doesn't count

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"Ley lines are hypothetical alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths. Their existence was suggested in 1921 by the amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, in his book The Old Straight Track."


Sorry, there's nothing new about this at all. I read "The Old Straight Track" when I was in high school.

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This is why you look like an idiot





Please explain how he "discovered" eucledian geometry?

Please explain one thing he actually discovered, stuff he made up doesn't count


i might look like an idiot for thinking hes the one who discovered this if its already been covered, but I am not even talking about euclidean geometry, i am talking architecture. I thought he was the first one to come out with this, and so i said discovered. But if you guys knew this why are you arguing with me?


Yeah the fact that these structures are alligned to cosmic occurances is well known and not a secret... Stonehenge is known to be a solstice marker among other things, the piramids, be they south American or egyptian, are known to be aligned and positioned to similar galactic events. This is all well known and documented stuff that is presented within this "pyramid matrix" theory which is utter bullshit. What you don't seem to understand is that the truth this munck guy presents is well established fact, and the theory he surrounds it with is a complete misinterpretation based on his ignorance


He's acting like he discovered this stuff , which is a lie. He's acting like the scientific community doesn't know about this, which is a lie. He's acting like it means something more significant than all these societies shared the same sky. He uses this as proof of some master allignment, which is bullshit because when you have corresponding points on earth to galactic events the relation to those earthly points is a secondary result, the primary being the allignment to the sky.



You still dont get it. Hes not talking about alignments like connecting things on a map, hes saying that all you need to find out the information to do that is the buildings themselves, And if i am not wrong, hes the first one to say this. If hes not, my bad.




"Ley lines are hypothetical alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths. Their existence was suggested in 1921 by the amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, in his book The Old Straight Track."


Sorry, there's nothing new about this at all. I read "The Old Straight Track" when I was in high school.



Neither I or carl munck are talking about ley lines

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Dude you clearly don't understand what were saying


I'm not just talking about points on a map


I'm talking about arrays of pyramids alligned to specific cosmic events


I'm talking about Stonehenge's quadrants serving as a way to partition a solar/lunar cycle






All the stuff you claim is "in the archetecture"... That's ALSO WHAT IM SAYING

yes, lots of ancient archetecture on a grand scheme is alligned NOT ONLY IN LOCATION BUT DIRECTIONAL ORIENTATION as well as dual purposes built in the archetecture




I don't know how much clearer I can put this... But since you obviously don't know anything about basic astronomy and it's history, it's really fucking hard! Nothing this guy has presented is a néw discovery, and the pyramid matrix is just some scaled down cosmic map as projected onto the earth, which is completely retarded because there Is already a method of mapping the skys in their relation to earth, and specific bodies movements through certain points.



Really, just take some real astronomy classes if this stuff is so intiresting, because from the perspective of someone who knows a fair bit about this stuff I feel like in arguing with a child. You don't know ANYTHING about astronomy and neither does this author. How do you even feel qualified to discuss this stuff when you seem completely bewildered by the simplest concepts.

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Listen, I'm not going to debunk every point made by this crackpot and lay it out for you - clearly you are going to believe what this guy says because he wrote a book.




So I'm going to say this - find me anything in Carl Muncks academic credentials that allows him to speak and develop theories on astronomical occurances with any sort of real authority. Being a "cryptoanthropoligist" isn't even any sort of recognized field of academic study, much less one that grants authority on astronomical phenomina. If he has no personal credits, which I could find none, what reputable astronomers and physicists are listed as consultants for his research? I can't even find where this guy got his degree, or if he even has one.



As far as I can tell he's just sone guy who wrote a book. Don't believe everything you read

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i might look like an idiot for thinking hes the one who discovered this if its already been covered, but I am not even talking about euclidean geometry, i am talking architecture. I thought he was the first one to come out with this, and so i said discovered. But if you guys knew this why are you arguing with


this is why I can't take anything you say seriously

Euclid developed ancient geometry based on cosmic models of the ancient egyptians, who developed geometry not only as a method of plotting points within earth and the cosmic field, but they also used it to predict where the stars would be in relation to the earth (studying cosmic motion and cosmic/solar/lunar cycles), AND MOST PRACTICALLY geometry is the foundation for all ancient grand archetecture!


You can't talk about the pyramids of egypt without knowing the role eucledian geometry played in their creation!!! You are completely ignorant to this subject!!! Archetecture, particularly the archetecture of the pyramids, is based completely on eucledian geometry!



The same science they used to build monuments, pyramids, and anything else, was derived from the same science of plotting cosmic occurances as well as location and global positioning. They used geometry for all these reasons, so knowing the history it is of zero suprise that these grand structures are alligned and serve dual purpose. The same goes for other cultures who used the same techniques - of corse there are similarities - they are all using angle geometry of some kind!


Jeez dude, take your L and sit down

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how can you say i know nothing of astronomy? Geez man get off your pedestal, i dont even feel like arguing with you anymore


It's pretty obvious you don't

I can say it because your statements pretty much proved it


I think everyone in this thread can see that, but whatever, get mad

how about you find Muncks credentials since all this other science stuff is making you get frustrated?

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this is why I can't take anything you say seriously

Euclid developed ancient geometry based on cosmic models of the ancient egyptians, who developed geometry not only as a method of plotting points within earth and the cosmic field, but they also used it to predict where the stars would be in relation to the earth (studying cosmic motion and cosmic/solar/lunar cycles), AND MOST PRACTICALLY geometry is the foundation for all ancient grand archetecture!


You can't talk about the pyramids of egypt without knowing the role eucledian geometry played in their creation!!! You are completely ignorant to this subject!!! Archetecture, particularly the archetecture of the pyramids, is based completely on eucledian geometry!


The same science they used to build monuments, pyramids, and anything else, was derived from the same science of plotting cosmic occurances as well as location and global positioning. They used geometry for all these reasons, so knowing the history it is of zero suprise that these grand structures are alligned and serve dual purpose. The same goes for other cultures who used the same techniques - of corse there are similarities - they are all using angle geometry of some kind![/b]





Thanks for clearing that up for me. I didnt know that.

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orly? [/size]



Thanks for clearing that up for me. I didnt know that.


Dude it's really intiresting stuff

sorry to be a dick about it

I was just getting mad frustrated


but yeah, ancient geometry was almost like a religion in itself. It answered and predicted a lot of events, which gave power to the rulers. You don't just up and build a pyramid out of nowhere- it's a massive engendering project.

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