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getting spray paint in Oakland:


if you are staying in oakland take any 61 bus (61a, 61b, 61c) bus to Carnegie Mellon University, enter library, research time machine, then take any 61 bus to the 54c , get off in bloomfield, walk down the hill to the robotics institute, have them help you build your time machine, load time machine into your messenger bag and head back to oakland. i would situate the time machine in front of the old dollar store behind the gas station thats on forbes... the one between mckee and that other street, set your time machine to 2002 and let er rip. Once you have shattered the space time continuum buy up all the krylon before i get there. try not to move too many objects or speak to many people, as you may irreversably change the future forever. dont let your own mom try to fuck you, tell your dad to stop being such a pussy, and if you see me gripping up all the krylons for gods sake tell me to get a haircut


I respect your dedication to being an asshole. I'm really just looking or a place to grab caps and a few cans of good paint, but thanks for typing a wall of text about krylon I can get at any hardware store in the country.

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getting spray paint in Oakland:


if you are staying in oakland take any 61 bus (61a, 61b, 61c) bus to Carnegie Mellon University, enter library, research time machine, then take any 61 bus to the 54c , get off in bloomfield, walk down the hill to the robotics institute, have them help you build your time machine, load time machine into your messenger bag and head back to oakland. i would situate the time machine in front of the old dollar store behind the gas station thats on forbes... the one between mckee and that other street, set your time machine to 2002 and let er rip. Once you have shattered the space time continuum buy up all the krylon before i get there. try not to move too many objects or speak to many people, as you may irreversably change the future forever. dont let your own mom try to fuck you, tell your dad to stop being such a pussy, and if you see me gripping up all the krylons for gods sake tell me to get a haircut


hahahahahaha.:lol: :lol:

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from what i am told gaser taught astro how to draw graff back in the day some where in manchester. not sure how true that is, but if it is true i could see why gaser would be pissed off. just sayin, i digg the shit out of astro and gaser both. just don't see the reason for dissin hands for no reason except personal opiinion, this is not the first time i seen astro do something like that truth be told

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