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It's a shame that you continue to post on this thread, but are so unbelievably out of touch withe the scene here. Let me lay it on ya,


First of all, this is an NSF BBQ wall, Force and Vomit are NSF. Since you are so concerned with FOrce being on the wall with Vomit, let me let you in on a lil secret. He was stoked to be on the wall with vomit and feeling his peace!!!! I'm going to be in his neck of the woods tomorrow, maybe I will have him come on here and tell you about it.


As far as you suggesting something to serg about his cooking, c'mon guy!!! With these posts as an example you would have been telling serg how to run SDA and keep Gobe off the wall, prolific bomber here in the burgh, you might have heard of him. Haha.


If you knew anything about Pittsburgh crews history and tradition, you would understand we painting with our closest friends and that is what makes it tight and enjoyable and sets our city apArt.


Do us a favor and get on with your life, I heard you got an audition, good for you. You should fit right in on the set of Toy Story 4. Don't talk back sonny, just get out the way and let us pros do our job, so you can jock it.

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The truth:


I'm sorry for causing so much drama online. i am officially leaving 12 oz. respect to those risking their lives and freedoms to create such a profound art. the city, the youth and society needs you. don't let annonymous shit talkers detract from the impactful statements being made daily by each and everyone of you. this thread has proved pgh graff to be a community who constantly had one and others backs despite the differences in the real world. this thread demonstrates all that is right with pgh graff. it shows people working together for a common good. it shows the willingness of people to stand up for and by one another when a perceived outsider begins to hurl rocks from their glass house. this thread embodies everything that is good and right about pittsburgh and more importantly its graff. the people on here, like the city itself are welcoming and protective of all those they consider family either by birth or by choice. as rexx i attempted to find the chinks in that armor and i must say such chinks don't exist. im leaving 12 oz. more amazed by the depth of character i found here by being a dick than anyone could have imagined. stay true. stay humble. and as always stay ready to rumble. i have a new found respect for everyone on here doing their thing. i never meant any of the shit i said. i just needed to find out if at the heart of it, pittsburgh was everything i thought and heard it was. and i found out that pittsburgh is more than anyone could possibly understand. yinz are awesome.

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