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He became DC's first native graffiti writer to take on New York style tagging and also used the monikers

RAGE and JAPAN. In 1986, Asad moved to Brooklyn and with NYC native LADY PARIS to raise their first son.

In 1990, Asad returned to DC and its burgeoning graf scene and chose the new title "ULTRA". He worked with Zulu

Nation and built his crew KGB back to fighting strength, adding such DC legends as CAST, CRAM, CERT, ROPE, ZYDE, DJ OSO FRESH

, HALO, RULE, SEST and COOL "DISCO" DAN. Unfortunately, Asad also made many mistakes and the thuggish street life KGB crew was known

for turned on him. In 1997, he was arrested for several assaults and was sentenced to 5 years in Lorton.

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jkob , cid731 , yessiriwill , dirrrrtybill , warlord44


uh oh , i better get out of this thread before KGB sends me to Siberia (rotflolhahahaha)


your funny i aint with no Kum Guzzling Bitchs my lil cousin could finger paint better than them bitchs

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"]Here’s my IZ The WIZ story: I was around 14 years old and a full fledged toy. I was waiting for a friend at the 14th st and 8th ave station. I was with my boy Scribe KGB who was actually bombing trains at this point and had a nice little style. We had a can of silver with us and we were lurking around this store that was located in the train station that sold super lame disco style clothes. We were eyeballing copping a tag when this big white dude rolled on us and asked us what we wrote. Somehow I knew he was IZ the WIZ. We squawked back our Graf aka’s and he asked to see our jingling can of silver. We obliged and quickly caught tags with the legend on the side of the said store. I always remembered him saying “keep it up I like seeing white dudes bombing”. He took a tag real quick and him and his lady friend kept it moving and me I had copped a tag with a legend albeit with my nervous rookie hand style. The tags were there for a solid 2/3 years and always made me happy when I saw em even if my style was weak, I had copped tag with a true King!"

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i heard some dude from am went up in sines crib ran the shit had him crying in his room bloodied in 2 hits after he rubbed the bottle of vlad that sine handed him on his guche n took them for their paint a bike n a bowl hahahaha



oh and sine called the cops n denote ran after getting punked

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i heard some dude from :confused: went up in :confused: crib ran the shit had him crying in his room bloodied in 2 hits after he rubbed the bottle of vlad that :confused: handed him on his guche n took them for their paint a bike n a bowl hahahaha



oh and :confused: called the cops n :confused: ran after getting punked


this is the type of drysnitching ass-bullshit that makes the internet not Ok.


flicks only. Keep your personal shit personal please.

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