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jus wrote a little something to this beat^




Its hell on earth/kids get cursed from birth

the situation gets worse/witchdoctors who are bloodthirst

corrupt corporations,drug trafficking organizations

black magic,Illuminati, and the free masons

satanic rituals/ television propaganda thats subliminal

government officials, who are the real criminals

Obama keeps sending more troops to Afganistan

to steal more oil from foreign lands, its part of their plan

to control the pipelines in the middle east

leaving thousands of families homeless and deceased

the work of the beast,that why on the streets im like fuck the nypd

under constant survallence, the illuminati stay watching me/

with high tech technology/obsessed with stopping me

all seeing eye,demons and spies,deception and lies

the patriot act,invades the privacy of peoples lives

new world order, the nigga on the quarter was never sober

he had coke fields/encrypted messages on the dollar bill masonic seal

central intelligence agency/and colombian cartel drug deals

eyo its insane thats why the streets stay flooded with cociane

hippocrates says blacks and hispanics are the ones to blame

when the cia be smuggling tons of kilos through planes.......

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jus wrote a little something to this beat^




Its hell on earth/kids get cursed from birth

the situation gets worse/witchdoctors who are bloodthirst

corrupt corporations,drug trafficking organizations

black magic,Illuminati, and the free masons

satanic rituals/ television propaganda thats subliminal

government officials, who are the real criminals

Obama keeps sending more troops to Afganistan

to steal more oil from foreign lands, its part of their plan

to control the pipelines in the middle east

leaving thousands of families homeless and deceased

the work of the beast,that why on the streets im like fuck the nypd

under constant survallence, the illuminati stay watching me/

with high tech technology/obsessed with stopping me

all seeing eye,demons and spies,deception and lies

the patriot act,invades the privacy of peoples lives

new world order, the nigga on the quarter was never sober

he had coke fields/encrypted messages on the dollar bill masonic seal

central intelligence agency/and colombian cartel drug deals

eyo its insane thats why the streets stay flooded with cociane

hippocrates says blacks and hispanics are the ones to blame

when the cia be smuggling tons of kilos through planes.......

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