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Ottawa 613 - Capital City


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oh no!!! more hit an apartment building yo.. that's really really unethical! he should have thought about what consequences his actions would inflict on other people!!!




give me a fucking break, there's no room for ethics in this vandalism game, don't lie to yourself, for every person who thinks graffiti is art, there's 10 (old) people who fucking hate the shit and think it's just vandalism. it's sad but true. so who gives a fuck really? shove graffiti down everyone's throats and let the old people grumble about it, if you live downtown, especially in SH, that's something you need to accept as a possibility, people write graffiti, they might even.. write it on your shit! oh the humanity..


when someone hits a highway sign, does anyone say "oh those poor people driving on the highway, they can't even read what exit they need!" no, no one says that.. because that's retarded. do you support graffiti or do you support the government ? if you care more about government institutions than you do graffiti art , take up politics.


you think ottawa is bad? what about new york city, the mecca of this shit we all do, where if you own a white truck or van it's getting bombed to fuck regardless of whether or not it's privately owned or commercial... where people tag taxis and shit.. so stop caring so god damn much, it's not your house. this isn't for anyone specifically, just putting it out there as a general statement. 1

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You sound like an ignorant little kid. You probably don't have a job, live with your parents and don't understand the value of money for that matter.


When you hit someones house or an apartment building, or anything for that matter, the owner has 7 days to remove it, or the city comes and does it themselves and the owner is paying. If you had to do that cause someone painted on your house you would be pissed.


Small businesses and family owned stores suffer from graffiti, big corporations like Wal Mart or Rogers can afford a small hit to them, they are fucking thieves anyway, those are the places you should be hitting.


"oh those poor people driving on the highway, they can't even read what exit they need!"

Again you sound stupid, that money to replace those signs is coming from TAX DOLLARS, the tax dollars that your parents pay, other writers with jobs pay. It's not a few hundred bucks out of some random dudes pocket.


This is graffiti, not lets screw everyone over. Next time you wanna paint on someones house, break a window instead, will cost them less.

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big corporations like Wal Mart or Rogers can afford a small hit to them, they are fucking thieves anyway, those are the places you should be hitting.
cmon bro , you serious cuzz ... thats the reason why we DONT hit big corporation , cus they have the budget to buff your hit in less then 24 hours..
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oh look elzor has something to say..wait.. you don't write.. so what worth is your opinion on the subject of graffiti?


almost everybody pays taxes so if I'm paying anyway what difference does it make? taxes won't be going up cause I hit more walls this year than the last.


by your logic, I should be hitting Walmart cause they can afford to clean it up? that means it's going to get cleaned up right away, I don't want that, I want my shit to stay up, so your logic falls short there.


a window costs hundreds of dollars to replace, graffiti is buffed with a coat of shitty brown primer painted by a private contractor, including the salary for the buffers, it costs less, if you think buffing costs more than breaking windows, you're a fucking idiot.

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you can climb to the roof of that wall mart and do some leanovers. that wont be buffed any quicker than hittin a house.


graffiti isnt always about longetivity. ESPECIALLY in ottawa. this city isnt built for graffiti. its beautiful to see it. but if you guys are crying about not lasting more than a day... go find a spot thats never had graffiti on it thatll never be seen. painting something there. and itll run for a long time.


if you wanna make your shit mad visible.. make them work for the buff. standing in the sun and pouring that gray paint in a tray and leisurely rolling it onto a wall isnt gonna have the impact as having to climb a ladder a couple stories with a bucket and roller


nothing visible lasts. not wheatpaste. not advertisment. hell, not even corporations billboards do. they just get gone over by the next company with loot.


and besides, elzor. a bucket of kilz an a roller is much cheaper than replacing a window. much, much, cheaper. if people cant even buff their own walls. you expect them to replace their own window? hahha.. dont give anyone crazy ideas like that


thats my 2 cents, felt i should add to the fire.





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hey dudes go paint future shops and mcdonalds', those are some definite forever ups yo, listen to me, my opinion really fucking matters!


get fucking real man, you've without a doubt never had so much as a tag of yours run, in your life, if youre seriously trying telling people to only hit corporations and not private and gov shit. fuck outta here, dont you have some tax write off to take care of? pussy.



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I can't believe I'm defending graffiti on a graffiti forum..



it's a rebel art movement there's no fucking 'rules' you can do whatever the fuck you like, it's vandalism in the eyes of society anyway... for fuck sakes, how stupid can you be.. why do you come here if you hate graffiti and talk shit to everyone in the ottawa scene behind your screen name like a big pussy?


man up and pick up a can otherwise shut the fuck up you armchair jockey faggot


oh and meowclops if you're gonna complain to me about flicks, don't. I've probably posted more flicks in this thread than anybody else so don't tell me shit.



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Shut the fuck up! all of you.

this thread is for posting flicks. start a "wine and cheese" thread if you wanna start these types of conversations bro. fuck. or just tell people to pm they responses. you all complain about the graf scene sucking in Ottawa. just fucking paint for yourself and nothing else and you'll have a great fucking time.most of you paint for the sole reason of being able to post it up on this shit a few hours later, and either feed your ego or get dissed. your ruining the scene for yourselves.





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Very true to what elzor has said though. its not fair to make the small businesses pay. people are trying to make ends meet, and thats a very harsh reality sometimes.


"graffiti isnt always about longetivity. ESPECIALLY in ottawa. this city isnt built for graffiti. its beautiful to see it. but if you guys are crying about not lasting more than a day... go find a spot thats never had graffiti on it thatll never be seen. painting something there. and itll run for a long time." - SMOKECRACK


Couldnt have put it any better than what smokecrack said about the ottawa graffiti scene.







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Got dissed by some random kids...(the red/green)


Term (couldn't get a right angle)


I went indoor climbing last week and did a filled throw buts its buffed already. I wanted to take the pics today so I did a cute little hallow xD


There was also a venise/jesr throw which got buffed already to.


I've noticed a nice agen burner close by but didnt get the pic.

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i know that flick isnt from ottawa..

i didnt even post it, i was uploading agen pics?


im not the best with pc's but ive got quite a few flicks but i keep gettin: Your file of 900.1 KB bytes exceeds the forum's limit of 100.0 KB for this filetype.


what do i do

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