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Israelis mean serious business

Poesia [ ] T

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Yo just to be clear, I don't hate all jews on some racist shit.


I just can't stand anyone who sticks up for Israel.


Fuck Israel.


How are going to say that when you're calling people "hymie" and "jew" (as if thats a negative thing). seriously this thread is a testiment to how much of a fucking idiot you are.


just die already, you're wasting air.

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"Two.. eatso, in 2posts you proved yourself to be another drop in the piss bucket."





I fail to see how I'm rooting for the underdog.

If ANYONE tried to take over your shit you would resist.

and in this case

it was an IDF firing over the heads of non combatants attempting to stop the BULLDOZING OF CIVILIAN HOMES.

and I'm sure you can justify some how right?

because it's the big bad muslims who want to control everything?

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Muslims get 1/3rd of the nations on earth, a 1/5 of the earths land mass.. and it's a religion thats a re-dux of christianity..which is only a redux of Judaism.. yet Judaism, which you all profess to be such a world-ruling class of people, don't get a sliver of land barely the size of the smallest of US states?? smaller than any of the FYRs??.. And it is land which was dilapidated and forsaken, a land which the Jews won in a WAR of *consent* with 4 arab nations against them?



and secondly

what does religion have to do with any of this?

are you assuming that all Palestinians are religious fundamentalists

or even religious?

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Bulldozing happens all over the fucking world.. it's called "rezoning" in the industrialized world.. Entire cities within cities of poor have been destroyed in Mumbai, Shanghai, Mexico City, Nairobi within the past 5 years.. when they're domestic issues the world does'nt blink... Look at the 3 gorges dam for fucks sake! Where's the exacerbation and angst with that?! +1000x the amount of people and land effected too!


And to make an even stronger point of the normalcy of it, Gaza is an active security/fighting zone.. This is what happens in these places.


Gaza was GIVEN back to the arab muslims by the Israelis in a broker for "peace", of which the arab muslim side never (as usual) fulfilled their end to.. It was land that the Israelis won, fair and square in the 1967 war of consent.

When Gush Qatif and the rest of Gaza fell back in to arab-muslim control years ago, the place fell apart.


Israel supplies Gaza with 70%+ of it's fuel and energy and 100% of it's infrastructure..

This is a piece of land the size of a neighbourhood... 20km long, 5km across..



You know what,

the people of Gaza, though less so than the rest of the "Palestinian Terrortories" are generaly kind and welcoming people.. not so much so as the Israelis but they are.. and I wish them no harm, and no bad fortune.. but it is what is.

And you know what, for the most part, the issue is more so an international one than it is in Israel/Palestine itself.. no one talks about it... people on both sides of the walls go about there regular business and distrust politians on boths sides.. and as everywhere, people are people... You get there and you don't think "war zone" or "death trap" or "occupied territory"... in nearly every corner of the place, you think.. "wow, pretty fucking nice for a middle eastern country"...



And as a arab-christian "Palestinian" man told me in Judea-Samaria... "We are the inheritors of the land"... "The muslims have no excuse to be here.. this is not Jerusalem...it is holy to us.. we have no place to go..They can go to Syria or Saud or Jordan.. we will be persecuted there.. We stay because this is our holy land.. this is OUR Mecca.. they have their Mecca.. a great deal of them just stay here and some even COME here.. to cause trouble!".. "When this stops, there can be peace!"...


You say it's not about Religion... yet you stress the "Jew" part of the saga.. what's that? it's more so a division of rich and poor.. the same as any other nations "rezoning problems"...

And you say it's not about religion, but the thousands of Muslims who IMMIGRATE to "palestine" to fight/"resist" Israel.. well they sure see it differently..

"The big bad muslims who want to control everything"... yeah, them...Read the quran and the hadith..



Well, you know, in one case it is'nt about religion... 1/7 Israeli citizens are arab muslims.. one-seventh of the Israelis are arab muslims.. ok?.. There are Arab Muslims who drive taxis in Tel-Aviv.. there are Arab-muslims who own shops in BeerSheeba.. there are arab muslims who attend israels schools.. work the buses.. shit, if you are an arab muslim citizen of Israel.. you can BE PART OF THE KNESSETT! (Israeli congress!)... what kind of monstorous state is this?! Free fuel, water,energy and education to its "enemies".. plus open access to partake in government??.. the most developed economy in the middle east.. the center for technological research on the mediterranean... advanced transport and infrastructure.. every highway sign and post office has hebrew AND arabic at the expense of the "jewish" gvnt... wow.. what a shit hole.. it should be wiped off the face of the earth..


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This is war. Don't act like just bc you're a reporter people will care. That BBC reporter Johnston got kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists last year and he was pro-Palestinian, I doubt they cared, he was lucky he even was released.


I heard alan johnston talking about his ordeal on the radio, its sort of funny in a fucked up way how sympathetic he still is towards his captors after being beaten and raped by them for four months in someones basement. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

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dem der jews control de banks an de media!!! dats why i dun got laid off down at der coal mine and hav ta work at da walmart!! Dey dere jews did dur git together wit der illegible immigrants an STOLE ER JOBS!!!!!1 dem jews must be stopped before dey have da blacks dancing wif da white wimmens!!! but i aint no racist, as long as dem dere jews go back to africa and dem niggers don’t be lookin at our white wimmens. GITR’DONE!!!!!



DDO, as a young lad, did your dad make you wear a dress and sit on his lap while he drank whiskey and listened to hank williams jr? holla back nigga!

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I heard alan johnston talking about his ordeal on the radio, its sort of funny in a fucked up way how sympathetic he still is towards his captors after being beaten and raped by them for four months in someones basement. Whatever floats your boat I guess.



Stockholm syndrome? Either way thats pretty messed up.

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"The big bad muslims who want to control everything"... yeah, them...Read the quran and the hadith..





This statement is just like the people who take one verse from the quran and interpret it according to their desires. They don't look at the verse before it or after it to put into context, they just take the verse and interpret it however they want. I could do that to your posts to demonize you too. That's the problem with religion today. Everyone thinks they have the ability to just go into the quran and hadith and pull out whatever understanding they want without even referring back to the way the companions of the prophet understood it. If people did that more there would be much less problems. It's only because people (muslims and non muslims) follow their desires and even use the scripture to justify them that we have so many problems.

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Hey fucktard, try reading the fucking article next time.


It wasn't in a war zone.


They just came to bulldoze some peoples homes and shot niggas as soon as they identified that they were british journalists.


You fucking idiot.


Go hang yourself.


You're fucking stupid as shit.




i did read the article. asshole. i was using the word warzone loosely. there really isnt a bonafied warzone anywhere in the world now. you would have understood what i was saying if you werent a complete dipshit.

the were IDF. bulldozing an area where they thought was tunnels. for what? smuggling weapons right. ok now genious if there are weapons going through that area what do you think kind of area it is?

so they were there hugging people, it was completely quiet and calm and out of the blue some reporters run out from behind a building and the IDF says. reporter? fuck it shoot them?

no dumbass it didnt happen that way.

these stupid ass reporters think that the word reporter is an automatic protective shield or something. and it will keep happening because those reporters report to the same kind of dumbfuck people like you. who will say oh no thats a trajedy. those guys were killed minding there own business. when in actuality they had no business there.

if you want to have battlefield reporting thats fine. but if youre in a spot with weaponfire and you dont have nothing to fire back. get the fuck down. or does that logic not apply to reporters and assholes like yourself?

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Bulldozing happens all over the fucking world.. it's called "rezoning" in the industrialized world.. Entire cities within cities of poor have been destroyed in Mumbai, Shanghai, Mexico City, Nairobi within the past 5 years.. when they're domestic issues the world does'nt blink... Look at the 3 gorges dam for fucks sake! Where's the exacerbation and angst with that?! +1000x the amount of people and land effected too!


And to make an even stronger point of the normalcy of it, Gaza is an active security/fighting zone.. This is what happens in these places.


Gaza was GIVEN back to the arab muslims by the Israelis in a broker for "peace", of which the arab muslim side never (as usual) fulfilled their end to.. It was land that the Israelis won, fair and square in the 1967 war of consent.

When Gush Qatif and the rest of Gaza fell back in to arab-muslim control years ago, the place fell apart.


Israel supplies Gaza with 70%+ of it's fuel and energy and 100% of it's infrastructure..

This is a piece of land the size of a neighbourhood... 20km long, 5km across..



You know what,

the people of Gaza, though less so than the rest of the "Palestinian Terrortories" are generaly kind and welcoming people.. not so much so as the Israelis but they are.. and I wish them no harm, and no bad fortune.. but it is what is.

And you know what, for the most part, the issue is more so an international one than it is in Israel/Palestine itself.. no one talks about it... people on both sides of the walls go about there regular business and distrust politians on boths sides.. and as everywhere, people are people... You get there and you don't think "war zone" or "death trap" or "occupied territory"... in nearly every corner of the place, you think.. "wow, pretty fucking nice for a middle eastern country"...



And as a arab-christian "Palestinian" man told me in Judea-Samaria... "We are the inheritors of the land"... "The muslims have no excuse to be here.. this is not Jerusalem...it is holy to us.. we have no place to go..They can go to Syria or Saud or Jordan.. we will be persecuted there.. We stay because this is our holy land.. this is OUR Mecca.. they have their Mecca.. a great deal of them just stay here and some even COME here.. to cause trouble!".. "When this stops, there can be peace!"...


You say it's not about Religion... yet you stress the "Jew" part of the saga.. what's that? it's more so a division of rich and poor.. the same as any other nations "rezoning problems"...

And you say it's not about religion, but the thousands of Muslims who IMMIGRATE to "palestine" to fight/"resist" Israel.. well they sure see it differently..

"The big bad muslims who want to control everything"... yeah, them...Read the quran and the hadith..



Well, you know, in one case it is'nt about religion... 1/7 Israeli citizens are arab muslims.. one-seventh of the Israelis are arab muslims.. ok?.. There are Arab Muslims who drive taxis in Tel-Aviv.. there are Arab-muslims who own shops in BeerSheeba.. there are arab muslims who attend israels schools.. work the buses.. shit, if you are an arab muslim citizen of Israel.. you can BE PART OF THE KNESSETT! (Israeli congress!)... what kind of monstorous state is this?! Free fuel, water,energy and education to its "enemies".. plus open access to partake in government??.. the most developed economy in the middle east.. the center for technological research on the mediterranean... advanced transport and infrastructure.. every highway sign and post office has hebrew AND arabic at the expense of the "jewish" gvnt... wow.. what a shit hole.. it should be wiped off the face of the earth..



You know, you have no idea. Israel, the country, the land, was given to the Jews after the 2nd World War as a result of the Holocaust. Europe felt guilty, and decided to take away a great part of the land where Palestinians had been living for over 2 thousand years. Yes, it was originally home of the Jews. But, that does not mean anything; the world has experienced several changes during those years.


Secondly, as you should know, Israel is, to this day, occupying territory that isn't recognised by the UNO as being Israeli.This has been gained through the years, through the wars. Also, in response to one of your comments: war is not an accepted method, nowadays, of honestly gaining territory.


Thirdly, if you have ever been to Israel. Ok, every sign is in both languages, ok, you can form part of theknesset...However, arabs suffer from great marginalisation in every part of the country. They are being marginated in the country that THEIR ancestors lived in, unlike the Jews.


Fourthly, the fall of Berlin's wall was a great succes in the history of civilization: everybody agrees on that. However, you are supporting a country which is building a huge wall isolating many people, and breaking apart many families. Also, many people now have to migrate due to the fact that their fields have been isolated by the wall, unlike their house, so that they have lost all of their possesions. For the construction of this wall many houses have been bulldozed, but the things is that palestinians, unlike the Jewish illegal settlers, do not have anywhere to go.


With all this being stated, I think it is clear that Israel is acting like a bully, abusing the fact that USA helps them.

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The only thing clear to me after reading this is that you are very misinformed.


I'll break it down.


You know, you have no idea. Israel, the country, the land, was given to the Jews after the 2nd World War as a result of the Holocaust. Europe felt guilty, and decided to take away a great part of the land where Palestinians had been living for over 2 thousand years. Yes, it was originally home of the Jews. But, that does not mean anything; the world has experienced several changes during those years.

The land you say was given to the Jews has always had a Jewish presence. Before WW2 Israel was already experiencing a rise in its Jewish numbers most notably in the year 1880. The country which has always had, Palestinians in it has never been in Palestinian control, in fact if you ask an Israeli Arab where they are from a fair bit will tell you they are originally from a different Arab country not to mention the areas that are noted as being Arab are in some cases, pre 1948/67, almost exclusively Jewish.


Why shouldn't its original status make a difference, and if it doesn't then aren't you guilty of being inconsistent? The country was in Roman, Ottoman-Turk, and British hands throughout the years, and never in "Palestinian" control.


Secondly, as you should know, Israel is, to this day, occupying territory that isn't recognised by the UNO as being Israeli.This has been gained through the years, through the wars. Also, in response to one of your comments: war is not an accepted method, nowadays, of honestly gaining territory.
The UN doesnt recognize a lot about Israel a factor in this that the boards deciding on these matters are comprised of Arab states with an obvious agenda. When it comes to war and land gained I would agree with you if they were offensive wars, and the Sinai was returned (although the Golan was kept for defensive reasons), but since these were defensive wars I would disagree citing that Israel had agreed to the terms of the borders and it was the Arabs rejected them.


Thirdly, if you have ever been to Israel. Ok, every sign is in both languages, ok, you can form part of theknesset...However, arabs suffer from great marginalisation in every part of the country. They are being marginated in the country that THEIR ancestors lived in, unlike the Jews.
It depends if they are legal citizens or not and as previously pointed out there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel.


Fourthly, the fall of Berlin's wall was a great succes in the history of civilization: everybody agrees on that. However, you are supporting a country which is building a huge wall isolating many people, and breaking apart many families. Also, many people now have to migrate due to the fact that their fields have been isolated by the wall, unlike their house, so that they have lost all of their possesions. For the construction of this wall many houses have been bulldozed, but the things is that palestinians, unlike the Jewish illegal settlers, do not have anywhere to go.
If they didnt feel intent on threatening the Israeli citizens I doubt Israel would feel the need to build a wall. Think of this more like the DMZ between North and South Korea.


If you really want to talk about injustices and bullying we can talk about what the Arab states did to Jews pre and post 1948...

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Mar, I was writing a reply with similar points but you beat me to it. But I will add....


But, that does not mean anything; the world has experienced several changes during those years.

You know what you make an excellent argument right here. Things that have taken place in the past are historical events, not likely to be changed and they should just be accepted so there can be peace. Right on the money! An example of this is the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, and the various wars initiated by its neighbors which shaped the borders of that part of the middle east. This happened long before you or I, and before the overwhelming majority of palestinians were born, so from our perspective this might as well have been from the paleolithic era. The world has also experienced several changes since those events. I agree with you that warfare always has been and always will be what shapes the world and draw the borders of countries. In this light, it must be very unfortunate for the surrounding countries that frequently attack Israel and are defeated, and then reject peace for land deals (like the offer right after the 6 day war to return all of the land captured except parts of jerusalem in exchange for a peace agreement.) Thank you for making this point.


Europe felt guilty, and decided to take away a great part of the land where Palestinians had been living for over 2 thousand years

The arabs of what would later become the Palestinian mandate lived in a society oriented around their tribes and villages, not nationalism. The Palestinian mandate did not even exist until after ww1, and palestine didn’t exist until they got the left overs from transjordan becoming Jordan. “Palestinian” nationalism didn’t exist until later after that. Another fun fact the nice professors may have left out, the word Palestine is latin for the philistines, they are from crete and eastern europe today. They are not related to the modern Palestinians. It got associated with the region after the romans tried to kill and exile all of the Jews from Canaan and renamed the area “syria-palaestina.”


They are being marginated in the country that THEIR ancestors lived in, unlike the Jews.

Like mar said, there has been a substantial presence of Jews in the area for very very long time. And where do you think the Jews fleeing the holocaust came from originally? You are aware of the Jews that weren't killed or went into hiding, were sent into exile from their homes by Hadrian in the 2nd century.... where do you think they were sent? At the edges of the roman empire would be a good guess, right? And that would be Europe today. Isnt learning fun?


And before you call bullshit on all of this stuff pick up a fucking encyclopedia.

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UN officer reported Israeli war crimes before deadly bombing: widow


A United Nations military observer sent e-mails home to Canada reporting that Israel was bombing schools and waging "a campaign of terror against the Lebanese people" shortly before he was killed by an Israeli bomb in Lebanon, said his widow.


Maj. Paeta Hess-von Kruedener of Kingston, Ont., a member of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was one of four UN military observers who died when the Israeli Defence Forces bombed a marked United Nations post on July 25, 2006.


Cynthia Hess-von Kruedener said she believes her husband, Paeta, and three other UN observers were specifically targeted when their post was bombed by Israel.Cynthia Hess-von Kruedener said she believes her husband, Paeta, and three other UN observers were specifically targeted when their post was bombed by Israel.

(Submitted by Cynthia Hess-von Kruedener)


Cynthia Hess-von Kruedener said her husband's mission was to report on the hostilities in the area and she believes that is why Israeli forces attacked the Israeli United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) post, despite Israel's claims that the bombing was accidental.


"Obviously they were unhappy with what they were observing. Maybe that post was in the way as well," she said. "I know my husband was reporting war crimes. And I guess they don't want to deal with that."


Hess-von Kruedener said she is speaking out this week because a Canadian Forces board of inquiry report issued recently about the bombing has left questions unanswered.


The report, released Jan. 31, blamed the Israeli Defence Forces for the incident, but also found the Israeli military refused to provide documents other than a summary of its own internal investigation, "which lacked sufficient detail to explore certain issues to their fullest extent." The report said the UN also refused to provide documents requested for the investigation.


Israeli government spokesman Ariyeh Mekel said Wednesday from Jerusalem that Israel is examining the report, and has no response yet. Mekel also offered Israel's condolences to the families of the four dead men.


Hess-von Kruedener said she is not satisfied with the response of the Canadian government, which she alleges did not protest Israel's refusal to co-operate in the probe.


"Well you expect your government to step in and do the right thing, but that doesn't seem to be the case," she said. "So we are just … We don't know where to turn. We're just beside ourselves I guess."

PM wants to get to the bottom of things


Prime Minister Stephen Harper said shortly after the attack that he did not believe Israel deliberately targeted the UN post, but would ask Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert "for his full co-operation in getting to the bottom of this."


Israel said the attack was an accident, but took responsibility for errors that reportedly led to the bombing.


In a statement issued Wednesday, Hess-von Kruedener called on the House of Commons to debate the findings of the board of inquiry report through the foreign minister, and take the issue to the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly.


She also asked the public to get involved by writing their MPs.


"I know that Paeta would also want the international community to speak up," she said. "I'm only one voice … I definitely need other people to speak out and say something needs to happen."



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  • 3 weeks later...
haha that map is one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen. So land that was uninhabited is Arab? LOL!


Not to mention there was no such thing as Palestinian land.


yeah, not since the thieving trespassers started bulldozing it to build yahoodi high rises.

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There wasnt...there was never a Palestinian government it was always controlled by some form of outside force.


Also a large portion of the area that the map refers to as "Palestinian territory" is the negev desert, which is an area that no Arabs lived in and made up a large portion of the land given to the Jews in the UN partition plan.

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