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I'll post the j's so you can look..





* J - marijuana cigarette

* J's - joints

* Jab/job - to inject a drug

* Jack - steal someone else's drugs

* Jackpot - fentanyl

* Jack-Up - to inject a drug

* Jag - keep a high going

* Jam - amphetamine; cocaine

* Jamaican Red - potent marijuana from Jamaica

* Jam cecil - amphetamine

* Jane - marijuana

* Jay smoke - marijuana

* Jay - marijuana cigarette

* Jee gee - heroin

* Jefferson airplane - used match cut in half to hold a partially smoked marijuana cigarette

* Jellies - depressant

* Jelly - cocaine

* Jelly baby - amphetamine

* Jelly bean - amphetamine; depressant

* Jelly beans - crack

* Jesus Christ acid - especially potent LSD

* Jet - ketamine

* Jet fuel - PCP

* Jim Jones - marijuana laced with cocaine and PCP

* Jive - heroin; marijuana; drugs

* Jive doo jee - heroin

* Jive stick - marijuana

* Johnny go fast - speed

* Johnson - crack

* Joint - marijuana cigarette

* Jojee - heroin

* Joker's smile ["he's got the joker's smile"] - extremely high on crack

* Jolly bean - amphetamine

* Jolly green - marijuana

* Jolly pop - casual user of heroin

* Jolt - to inject a drug; strong reaction to drugs

* Jones - heroin

* Jonesing - need for drugs

* Joy flakes - heroin

* Joy juice - depressant

* Joy plant - opium

* Joy pop - to inject a drug

* Joy popping - occasional use of drugs

* Joy powder - heroin; cocaine

* Joyride - going out and getting high

* Joy smoke - marijuana

* Joy stick - marijuana cigarette

* Ju-ju - marijuana cigarette

* Juan Valdez - marijuana

* Juanita - marijuana

* Juggle - sell drugs to another addict to support a habit

* Juggler - teen-aged street dealer

* Jugs - amphetamine

* Juice - steroids, PCP

* Juice joint - marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack

* Jum - sealed plastic bag containing crack

* Jumbos - large vials of crack sold on the streets

* Junk - cocaine; heroin

* Junkie - addict



Here you go...

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