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I hate George Bush. becuase ________

Edward Orenthal Norton

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Yeah, obama isn't playing politics at all. Good call. But let's look outside the box for a second to answer your question.... perhaps its because surge has reduced the violence in iraq and the numbers of Americans being killed, and instead of relying on their personal emotions and biased coverage of the war, they are confronted with whats actually happening.... or perhaps its because Obama and Clinton are only saying they are going to end the war when they are trying to get the highly intelligent citizens of this fine country to vote for them, and if you read the fine print they are just going to greatly reduce the numbers of American forces in Iraq and then expect them to do the same job they are doing now.


Whilst I was against the war from the start, I agree with this.


Now that it's happened the US needs to keep as tight a grip as possible on Iraq. If they don't Iran will just move in and either come to blows with Saudi Arabia or just dominate the region. That will be a bad move for the US and IMO, the whole world. They fucked up by going in there in the first place, they'll fuck up even more by pulling out now.


Finally, the US has a legal and moral obligation to supply security to Iraq being that they were the ones who took out the previous state. IF the US pulls out, there will be chaos throughout the whole region.

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They fucked up by going in there in the first place, they'll fuck up even more by pulling out now.


Absolutely, and the reasons that people in my country use to justify an immediate withdrawal from Iraq are completely idiotic....everything from pretending that the levels of violence havent changed recently, that the violence is being directly caused by the US and if we leave everyone will get along, every middle eastern army will adopt humane policies and form a peacekeeping force and run to iraq's rescue, or that if the US begins to withdraw it will put pressure on the iraqis to unify and reject violence as if they have just been dicking around the past 5 years.


my healthy liver, you are just being douchey but in case you are actually not able to understand I will write it more simply. The levels of violence in iraq have gone way down there, so while this is bad for those who don't support a US presence in Iraq, for the americans who are going or may be going to iraq in the near future a lower level of violence is a good thing for them. As for the international law, take a look at the UN mandate for multi national forces-iraq, or the recent agreement signed between the US and Iraqi gov that replaced it.

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