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NYC Subways - the good stuff-Best thread on 12 oz!


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Well put Zed. Also keep into account that the NY system is the second oldest in the country and smaller European cities are often more likely to have younger, newer systems, which they update more often. For instance, the NY Metro North is just now updating their New Haven line railcars, which were very reliable but date from the mid 1970s. In addition, NY subway was three different railroad companies that operated apart in one of the busiest, largest, and most intricate cities in the western hemisphere, which was going through one of its worst economic conditions with a huge population.



"The MTA’s efforts to keep its fleet graffiti free were often outdone by the city’s writers. The tenacity of subway writers, combined with the Transit Authority’s cost effective “Deferred Maintenance” policy in the 1960s and 70s, is what truly made subway graffiti an epidemic. In the early 1980s, the MT.A. began to see light at the end of the tunnel, even though it would take several years for them to reach it."


from the steel wheels book.


even before graffiti the trains were filthy, covered with soot and break dust. stations and stairwells were poorly lighted and smelled like piss. trash was everywhere and crime was rampaned. the city was in finincal ruin. when graffiti arrived it just magnified the real problem. corrupt city government, the heroin/crack epedemics just exacerbated the problem, resulting in an overall poor quality of life. although officials loved to blame subway graffiti in part for this quality of life issue, but in my opinion, graffiti was more of an effect than a cause. in the 70s and 80s NYC was really like a 3rd world country, not just the subway. the tables didnt begin to turn until the mid-late 1980s. When i go to visit new York today i swear it is not the same place i grew up in 20-30 years ago.

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The age of the system also means that many of the tunnels are nearly 100 years old, and a lot of those fuckers are reeeeaaally filthy. It's crazy how ancient (and makeshift) some of them look. So the trains are running through miles of dirt, soot, brake dust, old bits of wood, brick, etc, whereas a lot of more recent systems have concrete tunnels that leave less debris on the trains.


Also, unlike many subways, NY's trains are running 24-7 (at least in theory, ha!) which leaves less opportunity to clean cars.

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Soundz like you got photo jacked - lol need to change your Flickr settings so they cannot download it. Or watermark your flix. But then again, there are other ways of getting it even you cannot physically download it. That's the power of the internet for ya'll...................BTW dope flix, is this The Destiny Children?

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Well put Zed. Also keep into account that the NY system is the second oldest in the country and smaller European cities are often more likely to have younger, newer systems, which they update more often. For instance, the NY Metro North is just now updating their New Haven line railcars, which were very reliable but date from the mid 1970s. In addition, NY subway was three different railroad companies that operated apart in one of the busiest, largest, and most intricate cities in the western hemisphere, which was going through one of its worst economic conditions with a huge population.



NHL M8's Are soooo nice..

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Soundz like you got photo jacked - lol need to change your Flickr settings so they cannot download it. Or watermark your flix. But then again, there are other ways of getting it even you cannot physically download it. That's the power of the internet for ya'll...................BTW dope flix, is this The Destiny Children?



i mean its weird that it has nothing to do with the ltv squad subway tunnel thing..


tdc crew freeport '85 vas taken by vance kdm (li)

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heres a tid-bit to go with the "how did they let ny/subways get that dirty" topic of convo. if this dont look like 3rd world i dont know what does, and it looks that way because it was that way. hard to imagine now.Found on the cool LTVsquad blog. peep



ha!true. nice flick thanks for sharing

THIS was the link i meant to put in the origional post



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i read something a few pages back about a TDC book coming out...


I had heard a rumor about that myself a while ago. That would be great. I'm sure those guys must have a lot of gems laying around that most have never seen before.


I found an interview with DC3 back from 1993 in which he said "I moved to Seattle for a while. I started writing on freight trains and buses as there was no subway system. I think the new development of writing on freight trains is logical – moving on from subways. Now it’s All Country (LA to NY) instead of All City!".


Zed. Have you ever seen a DC3 freight? I know i haven't. That would be really fresh!

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ha!true. nice flick thanks for sharing

THIS was the link i meant to put in the origional post




Ill never forget taking a field trip to the Bronx Zoo when I was in elementary school in the early 80's, all the bombed out buildings and stripped cars and of course graffiti on the highway..i fucking loved it and can still picture it today.

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