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Guest shai_hulud

Figures that I miss out on all the fun when I'm elsewhere having fun.


Hey, guy from LA....the EASIEST way to get dogpiled around here is to do three things.


-Put the word "graff" in your SN, or anything graff related in your SN. Names of metal bands are a good place to start. It worked for me.


-Ask questions right off of the bat. Talk to people, get to know us first. Give us some idea of who you are. Coming on here and asking a ton of questions is like panhandling. We might just pass you by, or we might give you a hard time. Depends mostly on our individual moods.


-Starting threads about things we have already talked about a million times before. The search button seems to work on even numbered days, or is it odd numbered days? I wish they'd fix that...anyway, it's always worth checking to see if a thread is there to bump before creating a new one. You'll catch a little hell, but far, far less than if you start a thread about ------. Unless it's a thread about boobs, since people can't seem to get enough of those around here.

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text jump...hahah


well, look at it as a gang initiation.


a verbal form of this:




on the real shit niggas would die like on the 4th hit.

you cant take that many chains to the head. i dont care how many post counts you have.


when the site made this big update did they get ride of alott of older threads? i was trying to look for the older Los angeles graff thread. and it must of been a variable day cause i couldnt find it after i looked at all 200 pages of forums.

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on the real shit niggas would die like on the 4th hit.

you cant take that many chains to the head. i dont care how many post counts you have.



well that's why i said a verbal form of that.


but if you get your e-rep up it's like D&D hit points so you can endure more e-abuse.


shai_hulud had some good points, as did i when i mentioned the search button.


and shai i always think of the book dune when i read your name, and i like dune so that's good i guess. i never really got into the band although my good friend is really into them.

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on the real shit niggas would die like on the 4th hit.

you cant take that many chains to the head. i dont care how many post counts you have.


when the site made this big update did they get ride of alott of older threads? i was trying to look for the older Los angeles graff thread. and it must of been a variable day cause i couldnt find it after i looked at all 200 pages of forums.





You must be mad pussy or somethin. :lol:

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so i didnt read the whole thing ( did anyone suggest that this jackass is a cop trying to be cool?

relax do you live in so cal? so i can take you out to bomb? id like that. the last dude from Oa i took bombing ended up geting busted while i ran down the 101 freeway and jamp off onto western. get off the sack

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Guest shai_hulud
on the real shit niggas would die like on the 4th hit.

you cant take that many chains to the head. i dont care how many post counts you have.


when the site made this big update did they get ride of alott of older threads? i was trying to look for the older Los angeles graff thread. and it must of been a variable day cause i couldnt find it after i looked at all 200 pages of forums.


Do you know how many blows to the head I've taken here?


At least four, let me tell you.


I don't think post counts matter anymore. I think people are just trying to see who can be the least hospitable.


And THAT is where I fail.

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