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graffiti isnt nessaserilly about illegal shit, and writing ur name, i know u might think im crazy.. but yeah nowadays graffiti is starting to be considerded as art.. i know and love all the fuking adrenaline and the fact of being in a "crew" tht graffiti gives to u, but when u get busted u only have urself to blame.. so yeah i try to get different aspects of graffiti from forums and friends, not nesecarily go and put it up on a wall in the middle of town..

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graffiti isnt nessaserilly about illegal shit, and writing ur name, i know u might think im crazy.. but yeah nowadays graffiti is starting to be considerded as art.. i know and love all the fuking adrenaline and the fact of being in a "crew" tht graffiti gives to u, but when u get busted u only have urself to blame.. so yeah i try to get different aspects of graffiti from forums and friends, not nesecarily go and put it up on a wall in the middle of town..






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graffiti isnt nessaserilly about illegal shit, and writing ur name, i know u might think im crazy.. but yeah nowadays graffiti is starting to be considerded as art.. i know and love all the fuking adrenaline and the fact of being in a "crew" tht graffiti gives to u, but when u get busted u only have urself to blame.. so yeah i try to get different aspects of graffiti from forums and friends, not nesecarily go and put it up on a wall in the middle of town..


:five-o: :five-o: :five-o:

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you know who gives a fuck? No really who gives a fuck? so what if some toys want to jerk each other off on 12oz prophet by starting a thread in brickslayers with their bitten styles.

If you don't like graffiti on the internet then don't go on graffiti message boards. if you don't like message boards then stick to fucking email.

You know what kids are always going to be biting, nothing really to be done about it other then try to educate at least a few of them and hope that maybe they pull their heads out of their asses. I know for a fact my head was pretty far stuck up there when I first started doing graffiti, but I had some kids that were older to kinda show me whats up.

As far as someone being a hipster, as much as I might like to talk shit and hate on random people.... Fuck it, why should I waste my time worrying about what they do? or who they are?

No respect, you say? so do you mean people who do graffiti? or toys who diss your ill graffiti pieces with wack tags? cause you know what I think the toy "dissing your ill graffiti" is probably closer to what graffiti is then you doing the same ill cutty spot every weekend. (not calling you out in paticular there, just people in general)

The buff, well if you wanted your name to be known for ever by everyone then you probably should stop doing graffiti and start working genocide.

You know you probably love the jock riders!

12oz is what you make it... though I will say ch0 has gotten worse over the last few years...

so graffiti is pretty much about your ego, you know the whole writing your name over and over again on other peoples shit.....

Ok the internet, video games and corporate advertising.... well why don't you go do graffiti on the corporate advertising, spend less time on the internet and stop playing mark eckos contents will make you retarded....... if enough people do something for long enough its going to get used to advertise shit... someone who has no part of it is going to co-opt it... nothing you can fucking do... deal with it...

Vandal squads, uhm maybe you missed this, but let me just spell this out for you...


of course someone is going to call the cops, and they are going to investigate if you do it enough... what the fuck did you expect to happen, people to walk out of houses and give you milk and cookies for tagging up their neighborhood....


you know what fuck it... i am not even going to waste me time finishing what I was going to type..

just keep worrying about what everyone else is doing...

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what the fuck did you expect to happen, people to walk out of houses and give you milk and cookies for tagging up their neighborhood....





I love it when they come out and ask you to hit up their name for them.


That only happens in certain neighborhoods though.


Beleive it or not there was once a time when nobody really gave a shit about graffiti.


Even the people that hated it saw it on the same level as littering.


It was just normal for it to be there. Most kids did it at one level or another.


Or at least that's how it was in the major cities.


That was before the anti-graffiti propaganda campaigns.

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getting up


life long friends

legal wall paint parties

getting paid to paint some bullshit for a video

paying dues

getting pussy from graff groupie (double up nigga)

evading the authorities

getting chased, but not caught

keeping me out of real trouble when i was younger

style masters

playing the art card with these hoes

getting spotted

secret spots

getting paint for free - legally.

old times

new times

the BIG time

photo collections

classic photos

trading fliks

never getting busted

style wars

fond childhood memories

crushing egos


hot chicks that write

an excellent reason to watch trains

vintage graff books and magazines

clandestine activity at its best


perception is everything.

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