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i recently found out clinton's chief strategist mark penn is a burson marsteller man, the greatest propaganda corporation on earth. alot of potential for political uncomfortableness right there, although i highly doubt anyone, either obama or mccain/repubs, would make any noise about it.

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i recently found out clinton's chief strategist mark penn is a burson marsteller man, the greatest propaganda corporation on earth. alot of potential for political uncomfortableness right there, although i highly doubt anyone, either obama or mccain/repubs, would make any noise about it.


you don't here any talk about obama/brzenzinski either.

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you don't here any talk about obama/brzenzinski either.


true, but let's not get too into the knee jerk obama hate just yet..

first of all, clinton's team is demonstrably worse than obama's, even with brzezinski in the mix. who's whispering in clinton's ear? well she's got real swell dudes like holbrooke, a fine man who thought suharto's aggression in east timor was gnarley town, and a guy who gets a boner over the thought of fucking with iran. then she's got that old jingoist hag madelaine albright and sandy berger, both of who think we need, yup, more billions for the military. they also think globalization is super fun and, if my memory serves me, also think iran could be a good time. her team is straight up about hard power, and if some of the retarded ass positions many of her advisors were taking before iraq, during iraq, pre-surge and post-surge are any indication of what a 'new' administration of old hat, establishment, washington insiders is going to be like...uh oh! it's not like her whole team are retarded hawks, just the real close important ones.


obama on the other hand also happens to have some general, i forget his name, who was also super hyped on the fun the indonesians had with the east timorese. but aside from him, the majority of his team, as far as i'm aware, are fairly young(relatively speaking) and progressive, and nearly all of the positions (of importance) they have taken during this administration's staggering retardedness are still holding up nicely. i'm sure you could find and twist something out of some position in there, but generally speaking his team is more on the soft power tip, and from what i can tell from their respective pasts and positions on things, they would be a little more measured in world affairs and perhaps more willing to try new ideas, something i think is sorely lacking. as for brzezinski, i hate to admit it, but some of what he's been rocking about iraq has been more insightful than all of his peers combined. and really, he's so old it's not even funny how little he'll be influencing an obama administration.

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oh, i agree. hillary and her team are all very slick criminals. i don't doubt that for one second.

there's this video....former cia clandestine guy who worked for billy in arkansas....he exposed the first two or three women bill had fucked. he says some shit about hillary i don't doubt for one second. card carrying member of the communist party (u.s.). among other things such as the arkansas mafia....



as for obama: brzenzinski is bad enough. in that book "the grand chessboard" didn't he admit to killing over 2 million people? i forget how many exactly, but dude has major blood on his hands.

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as for brzezinski, i hate to admit it, but some of what he's been rocking about iraq has been more insightful than all of his peers combined. and really, he's so old it's not even funny how little he'll be influencing an obama administration.


Isnt this the guy that wrote an oped recently saying that all the talk about civil war/genocide etc inside iraq being inevitable with a rapid US pull out is hogwash....and we shouldn't worry about repercussions of an american withdrawal from iraq anyway, because iraq's neighbors (such as egypt and algeria), and other middle eastern armies renowned for their soft touch and emphasis on human rights, will surely deploy their conventional forces into iraq as "peacekeepers" and then do what we want them to instead of going block to block killing everyone who is in the wrong sect.......and they will automatically be successful because all the brown people are the same, and the Algerian army won't be a "foreign occupation force." He also calls for a long term US military presence, for various purposes, something all the main presidential candidates share but go about discussing in different ways.

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i didn't know that. i don't seek out brzezinski sound bites, hence 'some of what he's been rocking'...which would be how he warned that the international community would view the invasion of a country that was no threat to the US as an illegitimate act of aggression and noting that it would also threaten america’s leadership, saying that without a respected and legitimate law-enforcer, global security could be in jeopardy. his establishment peers/pals were singing quite a different story, but in any case, he's still a goofball, so there you have it.

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"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." (p. 211)

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I was familiar with some of the players mentioned, but I couldn't just jump in and start talking about them. I did pull their wiki so I could be better informed (I know, I know) and figured I'd link the names here for lurkers.










Clinton's campaign chief: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Penn


Obama's campaign chief: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Plouffe



...in fact, I think this could be a thread on its own. The main players in Washington that are known, but not famous.

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From Wikipedia-


"Penn has served as a fellow at the New Politics Institute. He advised British Prime Minister Tony Blair "for his successful run for a third term." Penn is best known for serving as President Bill Clinton's pollster and political adviser for the 1996 re-election campaign and throughout the second term of the administration. He also ran the polling and messaging and was part of the media team for the successful Senate campaign of Hillary Clinton, serving as her chief campaign adviser. He advises organizations and companies on a wide range of image, branding and competitive marketing assignments. He has been a key adviser to Bill Gates and Microsoft since the late 1990s, and continued to represent Microsoft while working on the Hillary Clinton campaign.


His book, Microtrends, published by Hachette Book Group USA, examines how small ideas can catch fire and lead to big changes. For example, Penn shows how a mere one percent of the American public, or 3 million people, can create a “microtrend” capable of launching a major business or even a new cultural movement, changing commercial, political and social landscapes.


Other firms besides Microsoft which have retained Penn's firm include security firm Blackwater and troubled mortgage lender Countrywide."


He sounds like a snake to me.


Now that he's "officially" not working for the Clinton campaign but still acting in an advisory capacity, wouldn't that equate to less oversight?

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