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for all you cats that get hard over mops, like me..




Left: 3 mops iv'e made the past couple of days out of spray top bottles

Right: some realy nice squeezy mop things that i racked from a squid store filled with my own paint mix's



im at my girls house so that bed aint mine, neither is the book. but id still rape dita von teese's face


what do u use for the nips on the spray bottles

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anyone seen the new krink mini mops FOR 10 BUCKS......?



they look sweet , but super pricey....


i have to say i bought it. it is sick as hell. cant go wrong with that sexy krink.

make nasty drippy messy tags but always keeps from getting all over your shit

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to[/color] much, same situation...but seriously someone state how you can do it safely please...




I can teach you grammar and spelling.

But with illegal shit, you must venture out alone.


Fuck all those idiots that have no self control and fuck

themselves up on drugs and then want MY money, in

Tax form, to help them fuck up again.


I don't live in La La Land and I don't teach idiots how

to be better people. You either do it, or you fail. It's

up to you. Not me or anyone else.


If you are this^^ worried about other people and potential

collateral damages... maybe you should walk away from

the whole graff 'n' tag world that you think exists.

It doesn't.


It's just people that write their names on shit.

Fuck hip hop.

Fuck art.

Fuck a safer way to break the law.


It's just people that have to leave a mark.

Other than that, they are normal people.

If they are not, then they are complete toys.

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It's just people that write their names on shit.

Fuck hip hop.

Fuck art.

Fuck a safer way to break the law.


It's just people that have to leave a mark.

Other than that, they are normal people.

If they are not, then they are complete toys.


I thought we tagged the side of trains while they move, meet up with legends and showed how corrupt the goverment is.


Well thats what i do anyway.

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ok 2 questions:

are Zig Woodcrafts the same as Zig glues?

If not, someone post a flick. cuz i cant find anyones that are of OTR size, even on google.


and a writer a met at the recshop said there was a way to make OTR nibs from gluing craft felt together in layers, into a brick. is there a specific glue to use?



NVM on the woodcrafts. saw some on the inventory thread.

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I can teach you grammar and spelling.

But with illegal shit, you must venture out alone.


Fuck all those idiots that have no self control and fuck

themselves up on drugs and then want MY money, in

Tax form, to help them fuck up again.


I don't live in La La Land and I don't teach idiots how

to be better people. You either do it, or you fail. It's

up to you. Not me or anyone else.


If you are this^^ worried about other people and potential

collateral damages... maybe you should walk away from

the whole graff 'n' tag world that you think exists.

It doesn't.


It's just people that write their names on shit.

Fuck hip hop.

Fuck art.

Fuck a safer way to break the law.


It's just people that have to leave a mark.

Other than that, they are normal people.

If they are not, then they are complete toys.


That was beautiful, and I'm setting it as my sig.


And I'm slightly confused, Oink has colored Krink?



As for above, why don't you just manually clean it out i.e hot water, and cloth/q-tips/cleaning brush?

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i racked a few of these at office depot, but you cant unscrew them. and im also having a hard time cleaning it out, mainly because its ment to take out permanent stuff. any suggestions?




you can unscrew them it is hot glued closed so you have to try hard

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^^Wait until you see the flicks!






The kicker is, from what I have heard...


That is doesn't take much for the above burns.

You know when your mop leaks on your hand, or

you daub ink on your finger putting the cap back on?


That's all it takes, and you don't know it until it's too

late because of how the etch seeps beneath the top

layers of skin before you get the damage.


Good luck!




i allways dropped etch on me plenty of times but yeah i goten some burns but rarely just little bits..i just wash it off or sometimes forget but thats some complete different etch there they must of used acid etch or some other shit couse i know a buddy of mine who's 23 and he use's etch but not this kind(stolen pic)


i use the bottle in this pic ^^^^ but u gotta be messing with some other kind of etch couse this etch is kinda harmless but unless ya dipp ya hand for hour or so then ya gonna get burned but the world never knows use gloves simple as that!!

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i racked a few of these at office depot, but you cant unscrew them. and im also having a hard time cleaning it out, mainly because its ment to take out permanent stuff. any suggestions?




Office depot you say? I'll be there tomorrow!!:lol: Btw, is it cotton inside? If so what could I use as a replacement cotton?

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i have a question, krink K-71's are refillable, but i cant seem to get mine off, any ideas?

and already i have put it in a vice and used one of those rubber mat things to try and unscrew it, but to no avail, are most of them like this? or did i just happen to get the fucking glued one

its really fucking beat and is needing a refill, what the fuuuck!


sorry if this has been asked, i searched for "refilling krink marker" and still didnt find the answers. a link to a thread would be appreciated.

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Anyone tried those Cutter Bite MD pens yet? They are used to treat bug bites. Got me like 3 or 4 today and filled em with grog. They are actually not too bad. They got a bingo dauber nib with a valve. Not very squeezable though. You may wanna soak them in paint thinner like Smooth mentioned. http://www.cutterinsectrepellent.com/ProductCategories/SpecialtyProducts/BiteMD/

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i racked a few of these at office depot, but you cant unscrew them. and im also having a hard time cleaning it out, mainly because its ment to take out permanent stuff. any suggestions?




This has been covered before, apparently there is no pump so ink just leaks everywhere, but I think that if you stuff the body with cotton you might be able to use it as a freeflow type marker.

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This has been covered before, apparently there is no pump so ink just leaks everywhere, but I think that if you stuff the body with cotton you might be able to use it as a freeflow type marker.


few more dolalrs and you can get a markwell with a pump system that screws off. lol come on now kids all that work for a pumpless design? eff thattttttttttttt...

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"I can teach you grammar and spelling.

But with illegal shit, you must venture out alone. "


thanks but I dont care its a forum.


"Fuck all those idiots that have no self control and fuck

themselves up on drugs and then want MY money, in

Tax form, to help them fuck up again."


another rant that stemmed from nothing and if it did I am guessing you have prior issues with druggies. what I said had nothing to do with druggies besides making an example. another pointless rant thats not on topic by any means


"I don't live in La La Land and I don't teach idiots how

to be better people. You either do it, or you fail. It's

up to you. Not me or anyone else."


how to be better people? wow are you drunk this is retarded.


"If you are this^^ worried about other people and potential

collateral damages... maybe you should walk away from

the whole graff 'n' tag world that you think exists.

It doesn't."


walk away from the whole graff and tag world? all I fucking asked was the right way to do it so me and maybe some other people didnt burn there fucking hands or somthing else with acid, why the fuck are you so pissed off at the world?


"It's just people that write their names on shit.

Fuck hip hop.

Fuck art.

Fuck a safer way to break the law."


Yeah it is and its fun, I love hip hop, I love art and I dont mind breaking the law. I've liked hip hop and art both before graff, I didnt jump into a scene to fit a mold I just do what I like. you dont like that stuff? cool thats all you.


"It's just people that have to leave a mark.

Other than that, they are normal people.

If they are not, then they are complete toys."


I am who I am and I do what I like and I dont care how you feel about it and I wont change myself to be like someone else or view anybody else as a higher being of some sort and that goes for anyone. You have the wrong deffinition of toy in your brain. why dont you hate on the kids that are trying to be somthing theyre not or the kids that try and fit a mold to try and feel as though they are somthing or someone else rather than just doing whatever pleases them and just going with there own flow. Quit getting pissed over nothing. No one asked to hear what you had to say and quite frankly I dont give a fuck how you feel its all senseless ranting you must have some head issues. I asked a simple fucking question that required a simple fucking answer and you couldnt even do that?


oh and the kid that said that was beautiful... wow.... you are.... a fucking joke.....


god I hate forums I come to get questions answered or just chill and chat and I have to read and pick through all the emotional nerds who only say pointless shit and vent on here because they can only express there feelings through typing to a bunch of people they dont know on a forum. I dont fucking care! I dont! I dont want to hear this shit! just asked how to do shit semi safely. my god... thanks once again, you have acomplished nothing besides sounding like an ass, thanks for your meaningless reply you negative ass douche bag, you need to get your PMA back :D :eek: :lol:

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hahah dude can u honestly read what u just wrote? Im bored and a toy and all i do is stay on 12oz. So here i go!!!!!


1) you say you dont care but yet u go though previous pages to pic on every time u were "dissed". Now comment me if im wrong but i think you do care. anyone else feel the same?


2) "Quit getting pissed over nothing." is what you should do.


3)"god I hate forums I come to get questions answered or just chill and chat and I have to read and pick through all the emotional nerds who think saying pointless shit to vent about because they can only express there feelings through typing to a bunch of people they dont know. I dont fucking care! I dont! I dont want to hear this shit! just asked how to do shit semi safely. my god... thanks once again, you have acomplished nothing besides sounding like an ass" Must i even comment??? hahah


Dude One love and all but damn before you rave,rant, and comment on what other people are doing, can u honestly first make shure ur not doing what they're doin?


Dark and lonley nights, tomarro morning when the rest of the 12oz freaks wake up will probably comment me and say im homo and shyt for this, so what, fuck it lifes a big drama.

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I asked a simple fucking question that required a simple fucking answer and you couldnt even do that?




oh and the kid that said that was beautiful... wow.... you are.... a fucking joke.....


Don't begin to open a can of worms you don't plan on eating.

It's a life lesson.

Do you even know that kid?


god I hate forums I come to get questions answered or just chill and chat and I have to read and pick through all the emotional nerds who only say pointless shit...people they dont know on a forum.


You type like you have self control issues.

Classic suburbanite syndrome. You are making the other

suburban kids, that actually have heart, look bad.


I dont fucking care! I dont! I dont want to hear this shit!


If you talk anything like you type...

Well, I'm sure everyone else gets the point.


my god... thanks once again, you have acomplished nothing besides sounding like an ass, thanks for your meaningless reply you negative ass douche bag, you need to get your PMA back :D :eek: :lol:


First off.

There is no god, and if there was one...

Do you really think you would be in possession of it?


Secondly, I have accomplished quite a number of great

things in our previous, and current, discussion. I never

lost my PMA... I simply stopped pretending that people

like you didn't exist, and started addressing your (your

as in collectively) ridiculous requests to make the "graff"

world a better place for you and me.


If you don't like it here, I am sure that your church group

has a Graff/Break team for Jesus or some shit. Bother them.

Have a nice day.

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