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  • 3 weeks later...

i like owls stuff.

bonus seems to really be into bombing and i dig that alot.his filin is a little techy,maybe if he simplified it a little.but then im sure people would say things like ohh thats too simple.

train writers are pretty perticular.some are one way some the other.like timbers stuff.thats my man.he's a cool ass kid but he's got a way crazy style.the thing is i respect it.not only cause he's my friend but because its his style.his thing.if thats what motivates him to go to the layup and get down then i'm on board.thats what draws me trains so much is seeing peoples different styles like from how simple the owl is to how crazy the timber's.and the bonus,well bombing is more fun that piecing to me,at least.some days just getting off the couch is all im tryin to do.like cold night time spots.im doin fills.warm summer days.i wanna maybe try to hang with the piecing kids and challenge myself.its lookin like bombing weather is setting in.good.cause i have major add.

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