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San Diego Road Trip..Pics


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skirm, if you can tell me how to do that no problem, ill handle it.. Those were steaks, of some sort and they were awesome, with the blue cheese on top. And ya, theres nothing special about that drive. But i like doing long drives. I always seem to run into interesting shit along the way. It just sucks driving back after a long weekend of partying. San Diego is awesome. Im trying to move out there currently. I will live out there sooner or later. I really had plans on winning the mega last week, but it didnt come through..

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This dude had the setup..plasma while taking a duece........







I ran into the engineer of this train at the gas station and bullshitted with him for a few minutes he said they take this train long beach, then to yuma (where they pick it up) Yuma to tuscon..then it goes somewhere in texas.. kind of cool ..


I dig the desert..


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