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war terror

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penis gobbler...


like down ya mamas throat b!T6H, he claim to be the lone chimp..

n if the only diss u got involves mentioning a d!ck, then you know he aint DE-lone-monkey... he more like de-lone-shrimp!

see you monkey bizniss, n im more like gorilla warfare..

you usless like a handstyles with fat caps and no flair..

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^This kid was born out of wedlock, his mom wanted to abort him, but his dad didn't want to waste any money on him. Thus his dad pushed his mom down a flight of stairs, but 9 months later he was born to his parents surprise. Now his parents have a rocky relationship, but they still have a common hate for their child which keeps them together.

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Accept in your mom's case who siphoned the remains out of a soldier's used condom with a turkey baster, and squirted the last drops in her snatch just to get a green card. Although the story about a handsome soldier marrying a charming Vietnamese waitress, and whisking her off to America does sound more romantic.

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