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500 Dead In One Day: Iraq


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You can twist my words all you want. All it does is prove that you already know you're wrong. And makes you look like a jackass.

A priate contractor (soldier for hire) is a mercenary. Everybody knows this. It doesn't matter how the "Geneva convention" defines it because the word is most likely older than the Geneva convention. Politicians can try to change the definition of a word to fit their agenda all they want but it doesn't change reality. Shit, some douchebag in California is trying to label drug dealers as "terrorists". But anybody with any common sense knows that's fucking retarded.

Grow some common sense Theo.


English dictionaries with definitions that date back further than the Geneva Conventions define "mercenary" as a hired person fighting for a country that he/she is not a citizen or resident of.

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Jessus Christ what the fuck is the matter with you Theo??? The government refering to mercenaries as "private contractors" is just politics. It's propaganda. It's just whitewashing.

I mean for Gods sake, I just saw on the news today how the US government has labeled Irans Army as a "terrorist group" for example. Now, anybody with common sense knows that a countrys official army is not a "terrorist group". Politicians do not get to just change the English language at will.

A "private contractor" is someone you hire to fix your roof or your plumbing. A private citizen paid to go to another country and kill people is a Mercenary. That's what it is. That's the REAL definition. It's common knowledge.



It really doesn't matter to me what the government labels the civilian contractors as. What I do know is that they're correct in not labelling them as mercenaries since you can pop open any dictionary or the Geneva Conventions and see what a mercenary is. Can you pop open a dictionary and find "mercenary", and tell me what you find? It will say something about someone that is paid by a country other than their own to fight.


I agree that it was skeptical when the US decided to label Iran's elite force (not their entire army) as being a "terrorist group", as it would be the first time an armed forces of a government/state has been labeled as one. But, upon a little delving, I remembered that the Revolutionary Guard has shipped weapons and conducted special-ops training with Hezballah, which is officially labeled a terrorist organization. Revolutionary Guards have also fought alongside Hezballah. This is fact. They're also stating that Revolutionary Guards are supporting Shiite militias with weapons in Iraq to kill Sunnis and US troops. I'm not sure of the validity of this, but there appears to be evidence. There may be splinters of Revolutionary Guards helping Shiite militias in Iraq at their own discretions, but I'm not sure about it being a concerted effort by the entire Revolutionary Guard itself.


But since it is well-known that Revolutionary Guards support and assist Hezballah, it isn't really far-fetched to link them as an organization that is aiding and abetting terrorism, which would make them terrorists themselves.

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^Either way, they're still an official army. Not "terrorists".



Why does that mean they can't be considered terrorists?


I think the US feeling that they should designate them terrorists may be a little extreme, but I don't think that just because a military force operates under an official state means they're incapable of terrorist activities.

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Why does that mean they can't be considered terrorists?


I think the US feeling that they should designate them terrorists may be a little extreme, but I don't think that just because a military force operates under an official state means they're incapable of terrorist activities.





They're not terrorist because they are an army. An official army.

If we're going to go throwing the label of "terrorist" at actual armies then what exactly differentiates them from our army, marines... etc.? Politics asside, what makes our millitary that much different from theirs? Are their soldiers hijacking airplanes and blowing themselves up in market places? I seriously fucking doubt it.

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English dictionaries with definitions that date back further than the Geneva Conventions define "mercenary" as a hired person fighting for a country that he/she is not a citizen or resident of.


And when America sends American MERCENARIES to another country to kill people so that another party from THAT country can claim power.... Then the MERCENARIES aren't fighting for America, they're fighting for the country that they are in. What the fuck is the matter with your head if you need that explained to you?

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You have any links/proof that Blackwater was hired by South Africa or other countries? Because they've publicly stated that they've only worked for the US, and will always work for the US. That keeps them from officially being labeled "mercenaries" by international law. They're labeled "mercenaries" by people that don't have any real knowledge or understanding of the term. People like Drunken-Asshole.


I have no agenda for Blackwater. I don't know Blackwater and don't care. I'm just someone that defends the truth.



you could be correct, theo. it just seems like i saw a show on discovery about blackwater

that said the entire war somewhere in south africa was fought by blackwater guys (it was obviously one side who was blackwater and the other was a nations military).


anyhow, there are a few organizations like blackwater who are hired to protect oil companies shit, fight wars, protect people of importance, etc.


in the iraq case, they are there to "protect people of importance" and murder innocents.

i saw this one video where they herded people in one direction and then mowed them down,

another where blackwater guys were driving down a highway in iraq shooting people for fun with big 50 cals.

the sort of organization blackwater is should be made illegal here. of course, if we had gone to a valid war, we wouldn't need private companies. our young men and women would be flocking to enlist ala wwII.


/end rant

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I agree that it was skeptical when the US decided to label Iran's elite force (not their entire army) as being a "terrorist group", as it would be the first time an armed forces of a government/state has been labeled as one. But, upon a little delving, I remembered that the Revolutionary Guard has shipped weapons and conducted special-ops training with Hezballah, which is officially labeled a terrorist organization. Revolutionary Guards have also fought alongside Hezballah. This is fact. They're also stating that Revolutionary Guards are supporting Shiite militias with weapons in Iraq to kill Sunnis and US troops. I'm not sure of the validity of this, but there appears to be evidence. There may be splinters of Revolutionary Guards helping Shiite militias in Iraq at their own discretions, but I'm not sure about it being a concerted effort by the entire Revolutionary Guard itself.


But since it is well-known that Revolutionary Guards support and assist Hezballah, it isn't really far-fetched to link them as an organization that is aiding and abetting terrorism, which would make them terrorists themselves.



Blah balah balhh.... And we (as everybody knows) gave arms and training to Al Qaida. Along with Sadam Husain. So are we now terrorists? Is our military and government also concidered a terrorist organization in YOUR book?

And for that matter, how the fuck aren't your Blackwater MERCENARY homies "terrorists"???




Yo Theo be real. You work for the government don't you?:lol:

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They're not terrorist because they are an army. An official army.

If we're going to go throwing the label of "terrorist" at actual armies then what exactly differentiates them from our army, marines... etc.? Politics asside, what makes our millitary that much different from theirs? Are their soldiers hijacking airplanes and blowing themselves up in market places? I seriously fucking doubt it.



Again, why do you think an armed wing of a government is incapable of committing terrorist acts?


What differentiates them from the US, is that the Revolutionary Guard trains and equips Islamic terrorist groups, particularly Hezballah and various Iraqi Shiite militias. Their soldiers are not hijacking airplanes but they are providing weapons, training, and funding to Hezballah. They also assisted Hezballah in last year's missle attacks into northern Israel. Indirect support of terrorism is still terrorism.


But yes, it is hypocritical, as during the Cold War, with the whole "stop communism" scare; the US funded paramilitary organizations that conducted terrorist attacks against the communist regimes that sprouted up in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and of course, mujahadeen fighters in Afghanistan which eventually became al Qaeda. The US military and CIA has supported groups which. Of course, the US and CIA called them "Freedom Fighters" and whatnot.

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And when America sends American MERCENARIES to another country to kill people so that another party from THAT country can claim power.... Then the MERCENARIES aren't fighting for America, they're fighting for the country that they are in. What the fuck is the matter with your head if you need that explained to you?


LOL, I like how you're trying to change it now. First you said they're mercenaries simply because they're civilians waging war for hire. But since you realize you stuck your foot in your mouth, since it was proven to you that a mercenary is one that fights under the employment of a foreign country, you're now trying to say they're fighting for Iraq. The Iraqi government doesn't employ Blackwater USA. The US government employs Blackwater USA. Your backpeddling and double-talk is getting to be pathetic.

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Blah balah balhh.... And we (as everybody knows) gave arms and training to Al Qaida. Along with Sadam Husain. So are we now terrorists? Is our military and government also concidered a terrorist organization in YOUR book?

And for that matter, how the fuck aren't your Blackwater MERCENARY homies "terrorists"???




Yo Theo be real. You work for the government don't you?:lol:



It's well known the US government uses double-standards. I already stated that the US funded paramilitary organizations when combating communism.


Blackwater civilian contractors aren't terrorists because their mission is for defense purposes only. From what I know, Blackwater doesn't engage in offensive operations in Iraq, unlike the US military.


I don't work for the government. I only defend the truth against lies and inaccuracies.

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here's something to help out DAO's argument:




and some more:


A mercenary is a person who takes part in an armed conflict who is not a national of a Party to the conflict and "is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a Party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party".[1][2]

As a result of the assumption that a mercenary is exclusively motivated by money, the term "mercenary" carries negative connotations. There is a blur in the distinction between a "mercenary" and a "foreign volunteer", when the primary motive of a soldier in a foreign army is uncertain. For instance the French Foreign Legion and the Gurkhas are not mercenaries under the laws of war, but some journalists do describe them as mercenaries.[3][4]






Art 47. Mercenaries

1. A mercenary shall not have the right to be a combatant or a prisoner of war.2. A mercenary is any person who: (a) is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict;(b) does, in fact, take a direct part in the hostilities;© is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a Party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party;(d) is neither a national of a Party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a Party to the conflict;(e) is not a member of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict; and(f) has not been sent by a State which is not a Party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.

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you could be correct, theo. it just seems like i saw a show on discovery about blackwater

that said the entire war somewhere in south africa was fought by blackwater guys (it was obviously one side who was blackwater and the other was a nations military).


anyhow, there are a few organizations like blackwater who are hired to protect oil companies shit, fight wars, protect people of importance, etc.


in the iraq case, they are there to "protect people of importance" and murder innocents.

i saw this one video where they herded people in one direction and then mowed them down,

another where blackwater guys were driving down a highway in iraq shooting people for fun with big 50 cals.

the sort of organization blackwater is should be made illegal here. of course, if we had gone to a valid war, we wouldn't need private companies. our young men and women would be flocking to enlist ala wwII.


/end rant



Perhaps that "South Africa" thing got distorted somewhere in the grapevine. From what I remember reading, Blackwater has hired guys from South Africa. But Blackwater was never hired by the South African government. And I think these South Africans that join Blackwater have to be granted some kind of permanent residency to the US first, as to not be considered mercenaries.

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Wow. Iran is a predominantly Shiite nation. Where have you been?


Iran and Iraq are the only predominantly Shiite countries in the Muslim world.


i misspoke



The Muslim population of Iraq is approximately 55 percent Arab Shi'a

Islam is the religion of 98% of Iranians of which approximately 89 % are Shi'a

al qaeda is sunni.


sorry. was working and typing, guess i should pay more attention

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I saw that video before. If that's supposed to be a rebuttal to what I stated, it isn't a very good one. They're not engaging in an offensive operation. I read a summary about what happened, and the compound that Blackwater was ordered to defend was being surrounded by insurgents. So likewise, they fired at them. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

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Perhaps that "South Africa" thing got distorted somewhere in the grapevine. From what I remember reading, Blackwater has hired guys from South Africa. But Blackwater was never hired by the South African government. And I think these South Africans that join Blackwater have to be granted some kind of permanent residency to the US first, as to not be considered mercenaries.


now that i think about it, it may not have been blackwater, but i was almost sure it was.

as i said, there are only a few "private armies" in the world.


i'll dig around later on.

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Blackwater is planning to build a training facility in Southern California right near the Mexican border. They have their main headquarters on the East Coast, one in the Midwest, and feel they need one for the West Coast. Also, other law enforcement in the area and border patrol will be able to use the facility. Part of the reason is to bring further attention to the illegal immigration issue and help "militarize" the border.


I know you're staunch against illegal immigration, so how do you view this?

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Blackwater is planning to build a training facility in Southern California right near the Mexican border. They have their main headquarters on the East Coast, one in the Midwest, and feel they need one for the West Coast. Also, other law enforcement in the area and border patrol will be able to use the facility. Part of the reason is to bring further attention to the illegal immigration issue and help "militarize" the border.


I know you're staunch against illegal immigration, so how do you view this?



theo: our administration current and whatever is to come (except for dr. paul, i think he would do something) are pro-open borders. even DAO's guy obama wants the z-visa/amnesty plan to go through without a hitch.


private military groups in the u.s. are not something i look upon with a kind or understanding heart. i think it's just another way of ass fucking us into the NWO. i use that terminology loosely, as i think you don't agree with the whole NWO thing as i see it.


blackwater was part of the ass fetish that our government had when it went into new orleans and took guns away from law abiding citizens. i don't look upon that very well.


they can kiss ass all they want and say that cops will have access to thei facilities, but to me that is just as much of a violation of posse comitatus as are some of our new laws.

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here's the violation crap.

john warner defense act

“...employ the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal service, to...


restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any State or possession of the United States..., where the President determines that,...domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of maintaining public order; suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy...” [3] Senator Patrick Leahy and others have condemned Section 1076 because it effectively nullifies the Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act (10 U.S.C. 331-335) and gives the President the legal ability to define under what conditions martial law may be declared. [4]



blatant violation of our constitution.


i get so angry when i see this shit happening here.

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LOL, I like how you're trying to change it now. First you said they're mercenaries simply because they're civilians waging war for hire. But since you realize you stuck your foot in your mouth, since it was proven to you that a mercenary is one that fights under the employment of a foreign country, you're now trying to say they're fighting for Iraq. The Iraqi government doesn't employ Blackwater USA. The US government employs Blackwater USA. Your backpeddling and double-talk is getting to be pathetic.


How is my foot in my mouth? You're the one that's backpeddaling and double talking. You're the one that can't seem to comprehend that a mercenary is a soldier for hire. Plain and simple. It doesn't matter who's paying him to do what. You really are thick headed if you can't comprehend that.

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How is my foot in my mouth? You're the one that's backpeddaling and double talking. You're the one that can't seem to comprehend that a mercenary is a soldier for hire. Plain and simple. It doesn't matter who's paying him to do what. You really are thick headed if you can't comprehend that.



Then why'd you try to imply they're fighting for Iraq?

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