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noxer defense


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I don't think Noxer has really been writing since 85.. I remember Noxer shit from early 90's -maybe I'm wrong.. To say that his shit is toy is kinda silly. I'm sure nahmean is from the middle of the sticks and doesn't understand the deal..


sry ur wrong. not quite from the sticks. and Noxer HAS been writng since the 80's I know..Well atleast thats what he claimed in interviews i seen. maybe not 85' but 89'. one of them not too sure i remeber . either way thats a hell of a long time to still be bombing like a pre-schooler thats for sure. you would think he'd pick up some talent since then.

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^^ you mean you saw state your name. I'm talking about actually seeing this shit in the streets with your own eyes -not just some pictures on the net.


Anyway, since it's obvious that you're going to keep checking the thread and that you take some bizarre pride in being the only person unable to see the skills -why don't you go start a thread of whoever YOU think is dope. I'm sure someone will disagree and you can argue with them.



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thats was the dumbest response Ive ever heard. I hope you didnt think you making a point. about the getting up comment. anybody can get up..I'm not taking that from the man..Hes good at getting up..hes a bomber no doubt. mad props for that..but he dont have any talent. just cuz somebody gets up dont mean they are an all out writer there are other areas and aspects to graffiti. Learn the rules of the game. and the piece you posted above is wack. I seen 10 year olds wit better piece in their black books



Get the fuck out of this thread man! You a toy ass motherfucker!!!



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it's not that he doesn't have skill. research him, he can do tech. pieces, but he sticks to his throws and straight letters, hes all about bombing and getting up. In a night where you sit there for an hour and do your piece he's out doing 100's of throws and handstyles, who do you think will be up faster, him or the kid doing his nice artsy piece?

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thats was the dumbest response Ive ever heard. I hope you didnt think you making a point. about the getting up comment. anybody can get up..I'm not taking that from the man..Hes good at getting up..hes a bomber no doubt. mad props for that..but he dont have any talent. just cuz somebody gets up dont mean they are an all out writer there are other areas and aspects to graffiti. Learn the rules of the game. and the piece you posted above is wack. I seen 10 year olds wit better piece in their black books


i bet you slob on cope 2's and seen's knob like there is no tomorrow? you dont know what the fuck you are talking about, nox kills shit...you dont, end of the fucking story. :D :D :D :D

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you kids are fucking idiots and have no idea what graffiti is. get off the internet you 4 elements worshipping dorks.


noxer has a great hand and consistantly dope throws. that's more than 98% of the people on this site.


who gives a fuck about pieceing? a piece is just 10 fillins that went to waste

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if i become half the writer nox is, then i may actually achieve something. his shit is just crazy wacky...like no its not some tech wildstyle with like 30 colors 3d and more arrows than you know what to do with, but even in its simplicity, its straight up ill. killin shit. everywhere. thats some shit most writers never get on. im not knocking people who piece...there are some sick nasty legible and illegible shit out there that takes mad long to do but when you out on the street, you dont have 2 hours....lucky if you got two minutes...it takes skill to be able to throw up the same thing crisp and clean all over the place...plus if it gets buffed its really nothing...just do it again

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