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DAO: you posed alot of questions to me and my beliefs. forgive me if i skip over one or two.



first: you say my neo-cons buddies. neo-cons are not conservatives. you've got to understand that. there is a big difference.




Neo-cons (Neo-conservatives) stole the last two elections under the flag of the Republican party.

Forgive me if I'm not an idiot and hold all parties involved responsible for what the fuck has happened to America.

You know what... scratch that, forgive yourself for supporting anybody involved in this coupe.

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a bleeding heart liberal? it's slang for democrat. dems whine alot about the environ. they never do anythign about what they whine about, though. just whine.



What the fuck is AL GORE or ANYBODY supposed to do about the environment and GLOBAL WARMING when your BUTTBUDDIES continually steal elections and prevent anything from being done???

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i don't think you understand. i'm against what is happening to the united states.

i'm against what is currently referred to as the republican party. it isn't.


do you know who strauss is? have you read machiavelli? those are the teachers to these neo-conservatives. highly revered. it's sickening.


like i said, unfortunately conservatism is a bad word these days and understandably so.

people have forgotten what it means to be both of those things. so much so that they are now claling swine republicans and conservatives.


as for forgiving myself, i will do no such thing. i know where i stand. i am comfortable in that position.i will continue to support ron paul because he is a man that will make the changes to keep this country what our forefathers fought and died for it to be. free and without fear of the government.

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What the fuck is AL GORE or ANYBODY supposed to do about the environment and GLOBAL WARMING when your BUTTBUDDIES continually steal elections and prevent anything from being done???




al gore flaps his jaws alot. meanwhile his investments are in companies that are doing a whole lot of raping of this planet.


my butt buddies? please, i'll ask you again nicely, stop lumping me in with neo-cons.

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obama is my enemy because he won't change anything that bush and company have done. dems say they will make changes, but all the powers obama would have if elected would overwhlem him and he would like it. hillary clinton jr.


If Obama aint gonna change what Bush & co have done than tell me this... WHO THE FUCK WILL????


Hillary Clinton Jr???? Are you a fucking moron???

What the fuck is the matter with you???

Where did the real Casek go???

Or were you just frontin this whole time???

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i'll tell you once more, i'm a conservative. i don't like obama.

it's ok that i feel that way, man. it's ok with me if you support obama. i'm not trying to change your mind about it. you ask me questions and i answer them. that's all i'm doing.


where did the real casek go? i'm right here. i know what's going on with our country, man. believe me, i do. i just don't think any of the candidates, except for dr. paul, will do what it takes to bring us back to a country that is revered around the world for its freedom and liberty.

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you say "you people cite the obama inexperience thing alot." you are confusing me with another type of person or something. i say nothing about inexperience.



Then what the fuck is your beef???

You can't find a more stand up, uncorrupted, patriotic, real American than Obama.

And that's real talk.

And if you dispute that then there's something the matter with you.

Real talk.

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comparing a nazi and a conservative is really skewed and strange. a neo-conservative and a nazi, perhaps, but a conservative is not a nazi.

this guy must have been picked on when he was little


Yes. I AM comparing your party to the Nazi party. Some of us have learned from history. Some of YOU are doomed to repeat it at the rest of ours expence!

Tell me this... is there much of a a difference between a Nazi and a Neo-Nazi???

Then what the fuck is the difference between a Conserivative and a Neo-Conservative?

Because to me they're all just REPUBLICANS who conspired to steel the whitehouse from those DEMOCRATICALLY elected and impose their twisted brand of NON-ELECTED government on the AMERICAN people against their will!!!

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Then what the fuck is your beef???

You can't find a more stand up, uncorrupted, patriotic, real American than Obama.

And that's real talk.

And if you dispute that then there's something the matter with you.

Real talk.



no, man. we just happen to support different people.

believe in the candidate that you want to believe in.

it's cool. i don't hate you because of it.


now, if you support giuliani, i might hate you. but you don't.


if you think obama will change the country, vote for him.

campaign for him. do what you can to get votes for him.


i belive in dr. paul so much that i am going to quit working

as much as i do and volunteer my time to help him win

if he gets the nod from the party. that's just how much i care

about the country.


to be honest with you, i am scared. i don't want to get married any longer.

i don't want to have kids any longer. i'm afraid sometimes to speak my mind

on where i see this country going because i fear being detained indefinitely.

i don't want to bring life into the world to grow up in a society that has been

fear mongered and dumbed down any more than it has.


i'll tell you something else, i started lifting weights a while back in preparation

to fight for what i believe in. i'm not talking about a street brawl. i'm talking about

fighting with my fellow patriots. i'm that scared.


one more attack, one more false flag operation and the country will get locked down

and we will be in a state of marshall law, fema camps, etc.

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tancredo may or may not be a scumbag. i don't know. his ideas fall in line with some of what real conservatism are. the rest is shakey ground. that's why i said "if forced"

i'm not exactly the type anyone would like to force do anything.



^And that's who you would vote for over somebody who is the real fucking deal????

What the fuck is the matter with you????

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Yes. I AM comparing your party to the Nazi party. Some of us have learned from history. Some of YOU are doomed to repeat it at the rest of ours expence!

Tell me this... is there much of a a difference between a Nazi and a Neo-Nazi???

Then what the fuck is the difference between a Conserivative and a Neo-Conservative?

Because to me they're all just REPUBLICANS who conspired to steel the whitehouse from those DEMOCRATICALLY elected and impose their twisted brand of NON-ELECTED government on the AMERICAN people against their will!!!


yeah, there's a difference between nazi's and neo-nazi's, but that isn't a fair comparison.


the difference between a neo-conservative and a conservative are in the many.

they are nothing alike. as i said earlier, machiavelli and strauss.


oh yeah, they stole the whitehouse alright. we all know it. no one did anything about it. made me hate conservatives for awhile until i figured out what and who was behind it. they are not conservatives.

neo conservatism (notice the trotsky references. neo-cons are essentially using the communist manifesto as a guide book)






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Bad comparison, and doesn't really apply; because if the particular candidate ratified, supported, and upheld policies which I deplore, then as a candidate I still wouldn't vote for him. Any candidate I'd like would not run as a candidate for the Nazi party. It would not make any sense for him to run as a Nazi yet have policies that go completely against fundamental Nazi principles and tradition.


Please explain to me how much different the courent Republicans "patriot act" along with their bloodlust for global conquest is all that diferent than the Nazi's?

In the end the Nazi's might have been just a little more extreme but at their begining they were pretty fucking smack dead the same. And just like the Nazis, the republicans are only getting worse with time. And if you can't realize that then YOU didn't learn shit in history class.

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DAO: you can read "order of the deaths head" about nazi's and make direct comparison to neo-conservatives, but neo-cons are not really conservatives.


as fun as this is, i finally took a big shit and the gas is gone. gonna have to go lay down and try to sleep some more.


take care

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I think what Casek is essentially saying, is that traditional conservatism and the Republican party has been hijacked by neo-conservatives - and you're judging him, all Republicans, and all conservatives by the policymaking and actions of neocons. The fact that you lump Ron Paul in with Giuliani, McCain, and Bush proves this.




Yes. I do lump Bush and Chaney and anybody even associated with the Republican party into the same basket as I would lump Hitler, and Gerbals, and Himler and anybody even associated with the Nazi parti in the same basket.


Everybody involved with the coupe that overthrew our country is infact a traitor. And anybody that supports the direction that this country has taken since is in line with the Nazis.

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as for forgiving myself, i will do no such thing. i know where i stand. i am comfortable in that position.i will continue to support ron paul because he is a man that will make the changes to keep this country what our forefathers fought and died for it to be. free and without fear of the government.



I really doubt that YOU even know where you stand.

Like I've already said, I like you Casek... but lately you're posts are confusing as fuck.

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i just don't think any of the candidates, except for dr. paul, will do what it takes to bring us back to a country that is revered around the world for its freedom and liberty.


Nobody in the Republican party will EVER restore America to what it was anymore than anybody in the Nazi party could ever restore Germany's image or credibility.

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to be honest with you, i am scared. i don't want to get married any longer.

i don't want to have kids any longer. i'm afraid sometimes to speak my mind

on where i see this country going because i fear being detained indefinitely.

i don't want to bring life into the world to grow up in a society that has been

fear mongered and dumbed down any more than it has.


i'll tell you something else, i started lifting weights a while back in preparation

to fight for what i believe in. i'm not talking about a street brawl. i'm talking about

fighting with my fellow patriots. i'm that scared.


one more attack, one more false flag operation and the country will get locked down

and we will be in a state of marshall law, fema camps, etc.



Meanwhile you're backing a REPUBLICAN!!!!

The ones that brought us this whole Orwellian 1984 shit to begin with!!!

How the fuck can you take the word of anybody that alines themselves with the REPUBLICAN party that they'll change this???


What the fuck is the matter with you?

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damn drunken-asshole-oner your political views are so naive it really astonishing. It's so funny that you think just because someone is a democrat they have the higher moral ground than someone who is a republican.


how many democrats supported the patriot act and how many voted to go to war in Iraq?


Ron Paul voted against them both so right there he is ahead of most democrats not even accounting for his other stances.


The whole democrat Vs Republican thing fits you into the sytem so nicely. Now you can vote for the other side of the same coin and think you're beign some kind of an activist instead of actually looking beyond the smokescreen and making some good informed decisions.


also try coming up with a better analogy than two completely different political systems being the same because they have the word 'neo' in their 'new' forms that is jsut so ridiculous that it's laughable.

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damn drunken-asshole-oner your political views are so naive it really astonishing. It's so funny that you think just because someone is a democrat they have the higher moral ground than someone who is a republican.


Who said Obama has the moral highground just because he's a Democrat? I'm not even a Democrat. Way to make assumptions.:rolleyes:

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so what makes you think ron paul aligned himself with neoconservatives?


is being in the same political party automatically aligning yourself with others in the same party with radically different viewpoints?


I see it like this. After the past 7 years, anybody that even calls themself a Republican can eat a dick. I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. If Ron Paul aint a real Republican then why is he in the Republican party? Why doesn't he just run as an independent?

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I see it like this. After the past 7 years, anybody that even calls themself a Republican can eat a dick. I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. If Ron Paul aint a real Republican then why is he in the Republican party? Why doesn't he just run as an independent?


ron paul was a republican decades before "7 years ago". you want him to change because bush came in and fucked it up? or should he be a man and stand up?


also, ron paul is a real republican. it's the neo-conservatives that aren't true republicans. and ron paul has considered running as an independent. from what i recall, he's intent in staying in the republican party, to preserve what he considers what a true republican is, not the many notable neocon candidates he's competing against.

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Meanwhile you're backing a REPUBLICAN!!!!

The ones that brought us this whole Orwellian 1984 shit to begin with!!!

How the fuck can you take the word of anybody that alines themselves with the REPUBLICAN party that they'll change this???


What the fuck is the matter with you?



you are retarded. what is the matter with you?

have you got no sense?

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