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The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread

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the problem with people is they are so worried about what everyone else does and not them selfs hey if someone wants to wear some skinny ass jeans what ever fuck it thats there problem not yours it might not be what you like but it might make them happy..now im not saying nut huggers are cool or anything but people (especially in the jersey graff scene) get so hyped up over everyone other then them selves its getting old people hate on adhd because of the way they are outside of graff but think about the work that they put in and their lack of cockyess i dont see them on here with a display name like $wIN3oN3R or something talking mad shit look at what people are doing not what they are wearing or the fucking music they listen to and im not trying to sound like a mother or anything but every time someone posts some adhd shit someone HAS to throw the tight pant thing out there get over your selfs

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i like it when people try to be different and end up being the same...


how are adhd "outside of graf"?


they're painting names on things, that's pretty inside graf as you can get...

i mean..right now...tight jeans are pretty much the "all-over print hoodies" of last winter..

and unrefined loose graffiti has kind of become the trend in the current state of graffiti because there's so many new people painting that they haven't mastered the basics of their craft...or are looking at other writers when they come up who also aren't masters of their craft and being infuenced by that...


it's a generation thing...to some cats who are a little older and remember how bad people looked in the 80s, all this pat benetar, bad haircut, tight jean shit ain't the move but if you're a child of the 90s and haven't seen it in pop culture like that, i guess it's new and adaptable...everything new is old and vice versa, it's just a matter of where your point of reference starts...


and as far as like retro goofy styles in general i think a lot of that stems from reas and the aok/ris guys in the mid 90s who were doing that to break away from what was being done in that era when graf started getting really technical...that and when people started getting more access to european graffiti where you have 8 minutes to do a backjump you're gonna do something as loose but solid as you can...but what you have now is kids with no desire to master the basics and take it to the next level before they start bringing it down a notch...where as dudes like reas were masters of their styles and traditional styles in the 80s...and understood everything they were doing when they did it as opposed to just going out and shitting on a wall or a freight or whatever...


some flicks just to illustrate my point...


Reas 1986



Reas mid 90s


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at the next event there should be a airing of grievances where everyone holds hands and resolves there problems. A festivus of sorts. maybe even some feats of strength. Logically its the next step in pussying up graffiti even more. Its one thing to criticize style, but to use there style of dress as a way to put people down? come on i know some of you have pictures laying around of you in your hyper color t shirts and skidz.

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Im willing to bet at least 1 person in here cried and refused to go to school until there mother let them wear there cross colors backwards. Then went to the school dance with your overrolls with 1 shoulder strap down and danced with your favorite 9th grade future cum guzzlin whore to all 4 ones I swear while you attached each other overall straps to each other. So tight girl pants may not be the worst trend, its definatly up there though.

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