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The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread

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RE: the mummy guy... personally I don't waste time stating opinions about anyones shiet anymore, because at this point in the game 99 percent of new jacks are just come and go'ers. Where very rarely there is a new jack that really is into the development of style will stick around for awhile and get down with crews that have 15 + years in the making. Seemingly the final destination for a successfull graf career. It's the people who overexcitingly do graf (sticker/stencils) for a year and put all their energy so they can make a kid robot toy and a couple t shirts is wack. face it it's only a trend to alot of you. another thing I would like to address is that hyping up your own shiet "on the internet" is the wackest thing you can do. It's instant suicide, no real writer will ever respect you and you will create more beef than you will ever imagine (the past couple comments regarding the mummy guy for example). I noticed you have a Flickr account of tons of flicks that you uploaded YOURSELF. and to have a flickr account that big means you paid for it. and who knows what other mess you are making on myspace. Hey everyone look at me!!!I want to be everyone's friend!!! just Paint if you're gonna paint, just relax on trying to be the coolest guy overnight.



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yo that not him, i'm me....you cats are just haters cause sneaker pimps. i got more ups than you, dont be mad cause alot of cat think im dope and my sneakers are big nice. yo gallery hoes and long hair are emo rock on...fuck the hater....come check me on youtube


who thinks you're dope? i don't know anyone that does. more of your ups just means more unpleasantness for our eyeballs. i think it's lame that you dress up like a mummy and snort sugar. but whatever, your letters speak for themselves. i just don't feel any of the faro and avok shit. Swine is carrying that crew, he's the only one that impresses me in your group, take some tips from him. bump that first freight.

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Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread


DAMM .. ALMOST 2 PAGES OF JUST HATEING AND TALKIN SHIT ABT faro , yeas plz keep talkin shit and making up screen names imitateing him . yeas keep talking and spreading the word . while he is out there painting and working with people and puting his work out there ..


im not fuckin faro ..


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Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread


I never thought that dude faro was so controversial. You guys are so quick to hate, he has only been painting for like a year and 1/2 and already has a lot more going for him then most graffiti writers I've met. The kid keeps it real, he is still young and making moves. I agree with most people hating on his letters, its not really his thing, but atleast he is trying other things instead of just rocking the same mummy character over and over.

Its a new generation of graffiti writers coming up. Love it or hate it, it ain't gonna stop.

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Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread


i guess it was my bad for flippin..i did'nt mean to open a can of shit here..

all i'm sayin is wheatpastes..any..are bottom rung in the real graff heirarchy..

it's not as risky..therefore..when i see anyones tags dissed by a wheatpaste..

from any fuckin new jack toy..no offense..just a fact..thats not respectfull..

and i wish these kids in the game..would pratice and learn more beforehand..

pay some dues..and some a that crew got a lil sumthin..just not really my taste..

but whatever..i don't know them or want to..and i'm not gonna go stop them..

and they're not stopping me..fuck the internet..i'ma just keep my mouth shut..

happy thanksgiving bitches..i don't even paint graff..vallone is my 2nd cousin.

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damn, you motherfuckers been talkin about faro for at least 2 pages. Get out and paint. Faros doing his thing, graf is based on letters, period! Are his letters good, NO, but hes out there painting and if he continues he will evolve. His mummy characters are pretty dope, if you dont like them go do something about it and stop bitchin about it. What up ADHD I see you!!

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