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the TOY paint thread...


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i disagree, about the letter structure part. i like vossy, and i think he's got some dope fills and stuff, but i think most of his LETTERS are pretty hurt, def not better than 90% of people on here... which if he keeps painting and sketching, will change.

Anyway, my main point is, why dont you post some sketches in the toy post thread, vossy? maybe you could get a lil advice on some outlines and really start burnin shit...


I usually only sketch something right before I go out and paint it. Once I sketch it, I usually don't really wait around before I put it up. I should sketch more, I paint pretty much everything I sketch.


I know a lot of my letters are pretty wack, but every once in a while I put a nice one out.

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^^yeh man, it would help you out a lot if you sketched more. not hatin, i just feel like your gettin the control/colorway part down good, you're just missin style and letter structure, which you may be able to get some help with in that thread....

good stuff though, you're gettin better...

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I really don't understand why a lot of y'all take this so serious. If you are planning on making money, there is a very slim chance that it will happen with graffiti. If you want to be famous, you're gonna be broke and on probation for most of your life. It's a hobby, there is NOTHING glorious about painting on someone else's shit. Just some kicks to finish off the day.

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Not everything is about making money man.


Yeah, I feel ya. Graffiti is fun, that's the only real reason I do it. But I (and to a larger extent I think people in general) enjoy the mastery aspect of graffiti. People like doing it, getting better at it, and eventually doing it well.


Not everyone that picks up a guitar thinks they are going to be a rock star, but there is something enjoyable about working at something and eventually becoming good at it. I think that's why most of us are here.

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Looking back on this one I think I should have rounded the ends of the S's... It looks out of place. Does anyone else get the S's are angry with the arched 'eyebrow'? Or does that not really work?


yea i get it but its not needed. the main i would change with this piece is the letter structure. the s's need to be rounded off and the y needs to be more consistent with width. other than the little things with the letter structure its a good piece. the colors are on point and the 3d descent. Ironlak is great and all but is not worth wasting when you start out, rusto has a great color selection and is way cheaper than foreign paint. plus it will challenge your can control.

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this isn't direct to just vossy but if you can't get clean straight lines with a can of rusto, don't use ironlak or mtn, and you don't really have a letter structure yet, why waste money on wack shit?


managing finances or not you'll get clowned at any wall if you are using 10 cans of mtn and you can't even put up a nice piece on the wall.. dollar cans to start, once u can use those then use the real paint

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this isn't direct to just vossy but if you can't get clean straight lines with a can of rusto, don't use ironlak or mtn, and you don't really have a letter structure yet, why waste money on wack shit?


managing finances or not you'll get clowned at any wall if you are using 10 cans of mtn and you can't even put up a nice piece on the wall.. dollar cans to start, once u can use those then use the real paint


i cant let u send the younger generation off like that....dollar cans is a absolute NO! NO!:mad:

im speaking of color place an that bullshit they got at ace hardware....it wont cover shit and it will teach you nothing Krylon would be the best paint to start with but since they flipped the script with the tip only hipsters painting wicker baskets can get down....and when i catch ironlak i pay 4 dollars a can as long as i get 6 and rustos $3.98...so maybe vossy aint even flossin it might be more economical because he doenst have to catch the caps....my 2 cents!:)

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i cant let u send the younger generation off like that....dollar cans is a absolute NO! NO!:mad:

im speaking of color place an that bullshit they got at ace hardware....it wont cover shit and it will teach you nothing Krylon would be the best paint to start with but since they flipped the script with the tip only hipsters painting wicker baskets can get down....and when i catch ironlak i pay 4 dollars a can as long as i get 6 and rustos $3.98...so maybe vossy aint even flossin it might be more economical because he doenst have to catch the caps....my 2 cents!:)


yea that is true, krylon was the shit! ufb for days and it smelled so good.


i suppose at this state in time, you may as well spring the extra few cents on the iron lak.

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I got my own hustle. Quit worrying about how I get my paint, and make with the crits.


As far as 'you aren't legit until you can paint with rusto'.... Paint is paint, get over it. No fucking amount of euro paint, old school krylon, or virgin's blood is going to make you some sort of magical graffiti wizard. Get over it.




One crit I always get is "keep your bar widths consistant"... I don't really get why this valid. Maybe I just don't understand, but a lot of really dope graff doesn't have consistent bars. Maybe it's something I don't get, or maybe its a fundamental people cling to... I don't know. But if someone could explain the logic behind this, that would be great.

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see how your second S looks good and the first one is mad toy? that's why you keep bar width consistent until you learn how to morph it.

It's to help learn structure through composing your letters with bars... that way you can focus on bending sections of the letter strategically and logically, rather than random dodads and serifs.

Also, working with bars helps your letters have flow. See how the rigt bar of the Y doesn't line up smooth all the way down? if you used bars, it would be much easier to get flow out of your letters.

That roller behind you is dope, and it's nothing more than block letters and bars.

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C"mon,the roller is dope!!..Maybe but its a roller my daughter can do that..Its ok to tell a kid,beginner,toys whatever that maybe have to do simple to gains some skills before trying a real pieces..But stop saying and arguing about simple like its the most awesome and beautiful thing in graffiti...

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@ Vossy....


I think that alot of the dudes who paint that "really dope graff" as you say it, are able to paint letters fairly well, and the reason they have strayed from it, is because they have done all they could with simple letter forms, and have progressed to the point where adding extensions or connections or skewing the letters in some way is more fitting to how they want the piece as a whole to look. But...for somebody posting in the toy thread, and from seeing your work, you havent mastered simple letters. You seem to have a decent grasp on them, but they are still inconsistent. So, in my opinion, the advice to keep your letters a consistent width, is sound. The basis behind it is to take a step back and go simpler until the only thing left for you to do is progress. Dont rush it.



For example, in the piece posted above. Choose whether you want your letters to be rounded or angular. The VY both have straight edges, while the S in the middle is rounded. Also,the V is much wider that the Y is. Having said that, the S varies in width while the V looks like is was not supposed to, as does the Y. The best letter in that, is the green S, but it doesnt fit with the rest of the piece at all.




Although, Im not great...at all. Check these. Fairly basic letters, not really done up at all. Simple progression.







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see how your second S looks good and the first one is mad toy? that's why you keep bar width consistent until you learn how to morph it.

It's to help learn structure through composing your letters with bars... that way you can focus on bending sections of the letter strategically and logically, rather than random dodads and serifs.

Also, working with bars helps your letters have flow. See how the rigt bar of the Y doesn't line up smooth all the way down? if you used bars, it would be much easier to get flow out of your letters.

That roller behind you is dope, and it's nothing more than block letters and bars.


I pretty much straight bit that S from swet. I don't think the S is the problem. It's how the S fits in with the rest of the letters, namely the V and Y because I was going for a half straight, half not.

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you're pretty good at taking fonts and putting them directly onto the wall, but the key to going from A to B is using simples and slowly morphing and evolving them. There is no way to go straight from A to B, it takes time. Especially if you want to be like swet or dare (rip). dude's have raw talent that most people just don't have.

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you're pretty good at taking fonts and putting them directly onto the wall, but the key to going from A to B is using simples and slowly morphing and evolving them. There is no way to go straight from A to B, it takes time. Especially if you want to be like swet or dare (rip). dude's have raw talent that most people just don't have.


you have any ficks of thier work? id like to see.

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vossy, if you're still not understanding consistant bars check this out. (ms paint so its not perfect)


The circled areas have bars that are not consistant. on the top V, the right bar narrows at the bottom, but it does not on the other side. The bottom V both bars narrow at the bottom, but the right bar has a tumor/lump on the top and is wider that the other bar. Finally, on the S, the top curve of it is distorted, but matching. the bottom curve is kind of shaky, and really isnt proportional/consistant...


hope this helps...i tried to use different curves and stuff to show you...

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Vossy, it seems that you can copy fonts pretty well...do some research, find a font you like, do it over and over and over and over and over again. Until you have those letters down pat. Then try stacking them differently, or seeing where connections would work, or throwing an extension on here or there. Fuck with the spacing. Try enlarging the tops of the letters...or the bottoms...still keeping each one consistant with the rest, then possibly ad some effects to them, drips or shadows. Have some of the letters overlapping. Dont rush it. Progression takes time.


..and c'mon man. Your taking the easy way out asking about this shit online. The fun is in learning it for yourself, not having it handed to you.

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I think most of you guys are cracked out... We are on different wavelengths.


Better flick of the last number.




In hindsight, the middle s could be shaped a little better, more leaned back and smoother in the top. The serif should also go straight down. The long lines of the V are poorly executed, but its pretty tough to paint long straight lines, especially up and down... I actually like the Y, but the top part could sit lower so that the bend from the bottom leg to the back is more obvious.

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