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Florida Legislature Forces University To Idolize Jeb Bush


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Yes. As much as I hate this administration and the shit that is going on, comparing it to Nazi Germany compromises the legacy of the Nazi party. The Nazis ideology was one of the most horrific in human history, because along with all the propaganda and suppression of dissent, there was also the systematic mass-murdering of minorities. The shit that the Bush administration is doing, bad as it is, does not hold a candle to Nazi Germany.

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Once again the Bush's reap the benefit following an election that did not favor them. No one in politics is clean, but republicans seem so bitter and vengeful - why would this really be an issue, it's not like their constituents in trailer parks and million dollar condos give a shit...

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what about dyncorp, rumsfeld, halliburton, and child slavery?



6 million people systematically slaughtered, a war that caused 50 million deaths, 25 of which were civilian. Halliburton stealing a few billion and Rumsfeld's incompetency don't hold a candle to the Nazis. If this were Nazi Germany, you'd be shot dead and this website would not exist, because the SS would go to Florida and shut down Raven's servers, then shoot him in the brain. Internet access is completely unrestricted in the states, there are many, many countries that restrict web sites. CHINA, for one. The Nazi comparison is a wrong one to make and weakens whatever argument you're trying to build.

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6 million people systematically slaughtered, a war that caused 50 million deaths, 25 of which were civilian. Halliburton stealing a few billion and Rumsfeld's incompetency don't hold a candle to the Nazis. If this were Nazi Germany, you'd be shot dead and this website would not exist, because the SS would go to Florida and shut down Raven's servers, then shoot him in the brain. Internet access is completely unrestricted in the states, there are many, many countries that restrict web sites. CHINA, for one. The Nazi comparison is a wrong one to make and weakens whatever argument you're trying to build.


no, rumsefeld covering for dyncorp who regularly engages in child sex trade/trafficking, our government supporting al-qaeda linked organizations http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2007/03/05/070305fa_fact_hersh


the mass murder of our own troops, as well as innocents (depleted uranium related)



rumsfeld aiding and abetting in the theft of trillions from our pentagon (sept 10, 2001)


the systematic and quite purposeful dismantling of our country





the torturing


there's so much more.....

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I know where you stand, casek, and I know what you are talking about, but the connection is not there. Once sites like these get shut down and international channels are taken off our satellite and cable televisions, or once nukes start falling down on the Middle East and people like you or me get dragged to camps, then I'll agree. But this is something completely different than Nazi Germany, and again, the comparison weakens the argument.

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