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Reccomended things to do in your lifetime...


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ive never ever rofled

what ive done so far

-visited a castle (ive visited about 3 or 4)

-bungee jumped in queenstown newzealand

-traveled alone

-done a beer run

-back flipped into a body of water

-slept on a rooftop in the inner city

-shimmied up an old watertower with no ladder

- had at least 3 near death experiences (fell through a bridge and down about 10 metres into a river, breakin both legs)(almost drowned in a swimming pool after drinking too much) (almost hit by a drunk driver who mounted the curb)

-gone camping for more than 2 weeks on the bibbulmun track

-greeted the new year by getting up before sun rise


Things i want to do

-travel europe alone (possibly next year when i take a gap year from uni)

-use my french outside of a classroom

-hop freights to anywhere

-live somewhere else

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I was at the beach today and this dude was doing mad backflips off the jetty.


I can never go through with the full backflip motion, I get half way then do a crazy twist into dive thing, kinda like ARS style.


Fuck tango, you have done a lot.


But at least I have rofl'd when I was too trashed to stand up anymore, and was laughing at the thigns my mates were sayign to me as I prayed to the porcelain god.

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Thats a lot of fuckin castles. Good news though I was just informed theres some sort of castle in Ca that a multi millionaire had shipped and rebuilt from england and I think it's only a 4 hour drive away from me. This will be my stepping stone to my castle viewing experience.


I haven't heard of that one but there's also Hearst Castle a few hours south of the bay, which is pretty cool. It was built like 50 years ago though, so it's not an oldschool European castle.

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I haven't heard of that one but there's also Hearst Castle a few hours south of the bay, which is pretty cool. It was built like 50 years ago though, so it's not an oldschool European castle.

I'm pretty sure that was it but damn its not an authentic ye old castle. Oh well hopefully its sick enough for me to dress up like Duncan Mcloud of the Mcloud Mclouds and run a muck.

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