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okay mr.40 yr old i live on the internet feeling threatened by anyone who gets any kind of props,first off ive been writin since the 80s and i learned from dudes from NY, if you took youre time to talk to anyone who knows me you would know that ive been rockin the same type of styles waaaay before the internet came out,granted the dudes i learned from were probably heavily influenced by FBA etc.,but whatever, i flip shit my own way,yeah DBM was a crew that started in 1995 (again pre-internet) before any of us knew about IBM,it stands for Dollerz Being Made and it wasnt a graff crew it was about gettin money,nobody wishes they was down with you believe,so yeah cmon back and reply how tuff you are and blazay blah your usual M.O.,but how come if you had such a big problem with me you saw me twice at Fame City and you didnt say shit to me?whatever dude instead of tryin to son me on the internet pmk me or approach me when youb see me,Im not some little kid who scared of big bad dash the karate master,why are you so salty anyway?





Kid, don't sweat yourself. Threatened, BY YOU? How COULD I be?

Why you so souped, the only dap you getting is from your OWN crew on this website.



You ain't nobody for me to waste time asking about shit. All I see is you throwing some fake FBA arrows and TC5 extensions on your piece, and that ain't "Flipping shit your own way". TC5 FBA FC IBMOS shit been published in books, way before magazines, way before videos and defenitley way before the internet, so stop acting.



I wasnt dissing DBM for being 1 letter away from IBM, that shit dont even bother me. I was dissing YOU for trying to piece like us. Either that went over all your heads or ya'll are just mad insecure.



You say you dont wanna be down, but action speak louder than words, every time u try to run our style, you just look more on the dick.


Come on now, you know I dont have to say shit about what I do, I leave that for the internet chumps who make me out to be the boogie man. I talk greasy if i feel like it simply BECAUSE I CAN. Believe that.


Trust me I aint ever see you up there in Connecticut, and you're a herb for even referring to that place as Fame City like the local toys do. The one I met there was MISE and another guy who's name I forget.


I'm not the one having a problem here, YOU ARE. Your in denial, and your tight cuz i called you a BITER, and its huritng your ego. Instead of making up excuses, challenge yourself to go rock some ORIGINAL shit and stop leaning on my crew like we was a pair of crutches. Then you might get some real props.


I wasn't trying to son you,and I still aint, but you leave yourself wide open. I was actually snapping on BEM, because in '07 even an old school cat like him would stoop to celebrate mediocrity and plagerism.


You know I already had contacted you privately on your page. You and another dbm guy. I told ya'll both the same shit "CHILL WITH THE BITING SHIT" and neither of yous had a response to that. Instead you decided to complain to my man RISK when he deleted you from his friends list. You only coming out your face now, cuz this commentary became public.


Graff is public and it's your own fault if you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, now you act like I'm wrong for calling a spade a spade.


Yeah I aint scared of Karate either, thats a sport for hyperactive 6 year olds.


And I aint salty about nothiing, I just don't tolerate uninvited guests eating from my plate.



Oh Yeah, and stop bumping the FAME CITY thread.

; )




______Fathering Children_______

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whatever bro,when you hit me up on my page you said you didnt want to get into "a dialoug" with me and honestly it wasnt worth the time,and i never ever hit up Risk after he deleted me never mind complained to him because I thought the dude was a weirdo,and i got my whole corrospondence with risk still on my computer somewhere if heads wanna know what really went down,and you can say want you want that"i only get dap on this website from my crew"but EVERYONE knows thats not true and im secure enough with my self that i dont gotta start droppin names on who im down with and whos feelin my shit,but in reality youre the ONLY person who hates on me,and yeah i admit ive rocked a couple FBAish arrows a couple times maybe on like 3 or 4 pieces out of hundreds,and if anything that was paying homage,plus mad cats do those arrows,and i never tried to act like ive invented anything in this game and just about anyone in this game that rocks real letter styles have been influenced by FBA at some time,as far as you saying stop bumpin the FC thread thats just retarded,what did i make one comment over a year ago?but the fact that a big "superstar"like yourself whose on the montana writers team is taking time out of his busy schedule to keep writing long winded replys to me is saying something,shouldnt you be jet setting around the world or something?but i wont do an arrow like that again,okay?i didnt realize how bad youre feelings were getting hurt,now im done with this subject on here, like i said if you wanna get into further"dialouge' with me on the subject contact me on the private tip,peace out.


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