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Cops are the largest gang in America. Get used to them gettin away with anything/


MMMHMM...its only going to get worse.


in a similair vein/talking this to an extreme.. my dad told me today.. that he didnt lick seal his census bureau envelope because he thought they were DNA farming.

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nemel is a fag.



LOL U STARTING MORE SHIT PHIL E BURNBLUNTZ/realityblaster?!?!?!?:lol: :lol: :lol:

you are a TOY stop talking shit on the net to people. i got all your spots!! lol!!!!


:spin: :spin2: :spin: :spin2: :smile-mad: :mexican:


bump sires-naterock-coreyrock-bob-rune-nemel-galax and the rest of the NPHUSTLERS!!!

:cool: :cool:

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