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Re: ^^^MAD $$$ MISE^^^


i dont know fellas, i see mises stuff, and maybe its just me (if you disagree, just quote this part and say nothing more, its just me), but im just not feeling it. the s has never found its way in, im sorry. mise came out maybe three years ago again with a storm, and his work ethic is unrivalled, but a lot of things unnerve me.


for one thing, whats the point of painting one piece 3 times while just changing the offsprings only slightly. theres a fine line between a piece and a complicated throwup. furthermore, dudes talk about mise putting work in a dozen years ago, but ive never seen to this day a good tag, throwup (unless straight letters count). maybe im too young etc.


granted 2006 to the present has seen a drastic improvement in his letters, but im still unconvinced. dont get me wrong. his work ethic is crazy. i wonder what he does in his spare time hmmm. but really, are his letters that unprecedented?

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Re: ^^^MAD $$$ MISE^^^


its called style buddy, when you take a piece and build on it little by little so that that stlye grows, you havent seen my flare tagg? that ive had just for a few years i think. and yes i dont really do throws but i do have them. and as far as the S goes? ever seen one like it before other than me?think about it?

cant believe im actually responding to this but im bored out of my mind. sa'll good just and opinion im responding to anyway

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Re: ^^^MAD $$$ MISE^^^


Its easy to make every piece different when you're doin like one a month...but when your in full production mode and posting up 5 or 6 every week (like this guy is) some are going to look similar, especially when you get that flow going..I've been there and hope to get back soon....When cats start sayin that all you pieces look alike thats when you know your putting in work.

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