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wtf is this toy ass yungun shit? Is that even DC? You toy ass writing ghost? Get a clue toy...thats one of the most notorious writers in the world...


he even bit the real GHOST's "g"....c'mon now everyone knows about the real GHOST.RIS

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SPC right?



You have been a toy for how many years now? If graffiti was like grade school you would have been held back about 12 years.






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Oooooh fuck the ‘Victim Impact Statement’ made my day…Thanks yo


“I didn’t used to have dreams, but after this incident I had nightmares all the time”




“I had nightmares about Tale being inside my house stabbing me, going after my family etc. I couldn’t stop sweating in my sleep”




“This incident ruined my relationship with a girl that I probably would have married”

HHAHAHAHAHAHA…Did you wind up thinking about Tale everytime you tried to get your little ding dong hard for her?


Then he goes on to rat about Tale vandalizing a church and his mother’s car. What a fucking RAT and a SOFTIE TOO


This needs to be its own separate thread it is so good

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I asked for a copy of the paperwork and I suggest some of you face the fact that Cave is caught with his pants down snitching. I'm not boys with Tale or Cave either.


Two guys enter a hospital all cut up. The cop has been around and knows whats up. He interviews Tale and Tale says nothing. Then he hikes over to Cave's room. Either two things happened (a) Cave snitches right away or (b) The cop says to Cave"guy in the other room is telling me everything you better talk now" and then Cave talks. Either way Cave informed. The police had no case without a witness. No one would have been prosecuted if no one talked. This was not a 'him or me' situation.


I am not asking anyone to be a gangster for graffiti and if you have seen my posts you will notice I have never gotten in to shit talking. But if you want to be a writer be more police savy and keep your mouth shut when caught. I can name a list of caught DC writers that did just that. Several times I can tell you Aker ate big charges by himself when he could have easily turned in other guys for a reduced sentence. You hear that Piledriver? Now leave and let DC sort this mess out.

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all bullshit aside...that GHOST shit is weak as fuck and yall been writing for a 10th the time of those yar talking shit on...How the fuck you gonna write the same name as one of the biggest legends in graffiti...Yall are toy as shit...change yer name...The fact yer on here gossiping and spreading rumors or the fact that this bitch tale is posting documents online is bitch...Tale got his ass beat multiple times by CAVE...as a matter of fact that bitch owes me 20 cans from when I burnt him 10 years ago...This bitch stabbed someone multiple times when the other was fist fighting AND still got beat the fuck down and begged him to stop...You want to speculate on how you might handle it or sit here and vindicate people like a bunch of gossiping old ladies? Go all city, go to war in the streets with graff, do hundreds of burners and beat down a bunch of crews and beat the shit out of a bitch with a knife, and get stabbed 10 times within an inch of your life....then you MIGHT have room to talk about something you know nothing about...your position is flawed tale and pile driver or whomever...to give credit to someone for not mentioning their attempted murder to the police is stupid...Sure detective I stabbed the shit out of someone and tried to kill them, but they beat me up...can you lock me up for attempted murder now?

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cut the soap opera shit and quit putting peoples business out there, point made, now was there a need to have some toy puppet from sf do your dirty work? what kind of shit is that? if anything why didnt you post this when it happened and not years later when some idiot was talking shit on dc and you pmed him with this "info".


do you feel you did the right thing that night? then nothing else should matter, fuck it, theres always going to be 2 sides to each story and people who believe each side. you offered your side, whoever chooses can pm you and get it, now think about it, involving some fucking unknown who was in the thread just to talk shit was right? even you can admit you fucked up on this one. if you wanted to put this out there you should have been upfront about thats all.


piledriver no need to pm me saying stupid 12 year old shit to me.

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