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piledriver... shut the fuck up... go cry on your own thread... jeezus! here's my memory of sf. some black and phillipino bammas tried to step to me on the street cuz i wouldnt buy their shitty cd so i turned around and punked them... i thought they were gonna cry... other than that i had a good time... big ups to my man giant....









I was gone but now you have brought me back. Why? So we are all gay, huh? Keep sending me PMs and bringing me back. I don't mind.

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Piledriver, leave this thread and go talk smack to aker himself, confront his ass. If your such a tuff BA then why dont you go show him who is kingpin, instead of wasting pages and pages of controversy pissing off people over the internet. I am tired of seeing your shit and posts and people responding to it. It gets irritating to read through pages and pages of your bullshit. And Just to throw this out there, You E-beefed with one of dc's O.G. It would be smart not to come back to d.c, or our thread.


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so I guess by piledrivers standards you have to be black ethnic poor and live in some rat infested ghetto to be a graffiti writer...but if your white and have baggy clothes your a poser...but if your black and have baggy clothes then your probably a ruthless killer because black people are the scourge of society and baggy clothes means you are OG...but what if your black and have tight clothes? or what if your mixed and live in some section 8 housing in the county like PG because gentrification took place in your neighborhood and you had to move to the county...and you listen to Jim Jones and Pharell and skate but sell crack...FUCK...what then????

If you have to live in a rat infested ghetto to be a true writer, then Piledriver isnt one, san fransisco is the farthest thing from rat infested ghetto

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I was gone but now you have brought me back. Why? So we are all gay, huh? Keep sending me PMs and bringing me back. I don't mind.


i didnt call anybody gay. you talked about what you saw in dc and i talked about what i saw in sf... we all know that you cant typecast the whole city... but you did it first... now go back to your fuckin thread... you could never come into my city and run things but i could come to yours and change shit all around... my bombing partner cram did it... it sounds like aker did it... most "sf" writers arent even originally from sf, but i can't think many dc writers who aint from the dmv... so dont come on this thread talkin shit, we got enough problems on this fuckin thing... bamma-ass...

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